Saturday, April 4, 2015

I Believe

This is the card I made for today's Inspiration Challenge.  We were to look at cards we made and take inspiration from it and make a new one.  The first, light pink card was the original card.  The darker pink is my remake.  It is also a folded corner card.

 I saw these on a blog from a lady in Southern Ohio.  Her whole garden is in bloom!  So jealous!  I just love apple and cherry blossoms; how they look and smell.

This song brought me to tears tonight just singing it. Take a listen and may you be blessed.

This is the post Ben and Rachel posted tonight.  They are going in 1 month from today.  That's hard to believe.  Such a huge change in their young lives.  This is what they've trained for.  I'm asking for prayer that God will bring the rest of the funds needed and that He will continue to lead them to where He wants them to be.

We’re Going to Africa!

Hey friends!
Though it has been a long while since we have blogged, we wanted to take this time to update you on our recent endeavors.
We are excited to say that we will be leaving from Cleveland to go on a trip to Kenya, Africa! We will be leaving on May 4th and will be serving there for 3 months. We will be staying with a missionary couple there and serving with them in the ministry work they do. There is an orphanage, church plant, and discipleship groups there that the couple is involved in and that we also will be apart of and serving in.
We are SO excited to see what God is going to do and all the ways that we will have the opportunity to learn from this trip! There will be differences and challenges that we are not going to be used to and we will have to adjust, but we know that through all of them we will grow.
During this trip we will be trying our hardest to blog once a week, share photos, send emails, and also newsletters! Please feel free to subscribe to our blog and give us your email address if you would like us to give you email updates, so you can be a part of our adventures!
We are so blessed to have been given this opportunity and are so excited to see what God will do!
Thank you so much for reading! God bless!
Today was the Tim Craig Family Easter.  Grandpa Craig came over and spent the day with us.  It is so much fun to be around the table with all of us.  Rachel has become so comfortable that she says all kinds of funny things to Tim and his Dad.  I hold these times in my heart.

Blessing of the Day: Time with Family, especially Tim's Dad.
Thank you for stopping by.

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Three Card Making Opportunities

Hey Everybody, We now have opportunities to donate cards to three different facilities 1. Southwest General Hospital -Cards are placed on m...