Friday, April 3, 2015

It's Friday.....But Sunday's Coming

I saw this video today on FB and was so moved by it.  The tradegy that happened to Jesus on this day is because he loved us so much.  He died for all of us. You and me....think about that.  He loves you no matter what you've said, no matter what you've done.  Nothing but Satan can stand between you and God.  I'm praying that you call out to God and make him the the boss of your life.  Give Him all the control, and he'll give you eternal's a FREE gift from Him to you......


This is the card I made for today's SCS Free 4 All challenge.  The challenge was to use flowers.  Easy peasy....who doesn't have tons of flower stamps? LOL
This was a new type of card for me to make.  In my blog reading, I came across this type of card on LeeAnn's blog found here.
I saw this on FB today and it really spoke to me.  I hope it speaks to you and you take any chance you're giving to help those in your live who need you, when they need you. 
 Such a celebration come Sunday.  While we wait for Sunday may we all see the miracle in our own lives.  That Jesus Christ would die for you and me.  The creator of the universe wants a relationship with you and I in spite of who we are and what we've done.  Isn't that amazing?

Stampin' Up has a great offer coming soon, Free shipping for 5 days.  Get those things on your wish list now while there is free shipping.
This was a song I heard today and wanted to hear it again and again.  Come Sunday Love will come to life in the form of Jesus Christ.  May you feel the security I do in knowing where you will spend eternity.
Blessing of the Day:Running errands with Tim.
Thanks for stopping by.

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Angela said...
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