Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day 2015

This is Veterans Day 2015. I want to thank all of our service men and women and Veterans for protecting us and for their families who live without their loved one at home for long periods of time.  You are all sacrificing so that we can be free.  You are amazing people standing up for what you believe in and putting your country before your family. May God continue to bless all of you for all that you do.  God Bless you all.

This is what our trees looked like two weeks ago.  Now the leaves have fallen off in preparation for winter.  It's sad when the rain comes and it knocks the last of the leaves to the ground.  To me that's sad, because that means it soon will be winter and in Ohio that means snow, lots of snow.  It means lake effect snow, and snow days.

 This is a small part of the baby blanket I crocheted for my niece.  Her baby shower was Saturday in Wisconsin.  I couldn't go but sent a package to her.
 I saw this and instantly thought of my twin who shared so many ups and downs with me.  It also reminded me of talking to a non-believer who feels there's no hope in this world.  That God could not possibly love them.  That's Satan's lie.  God loves you more than any human on this earth. Don't you forget that. There's nothing you can say or do that will keep God from loving you.
 Trying to work on these ideas from this. Think about these things: Whatever is:
noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.  I'm so working on getting God's peace.  How about you?
Still working on this.  It's a powerful song about giving your concerns to God.  I usually give them to Him, then take them back sometime later. Like God needs help!
Blessing of the Day: I can pick up pain meds tomorrow!
I got to talk to Sarah, heart to heart.
Thank you for stopping b y today.

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