Thursday, January 28, 2016

Cold and Pain Go Away

I've been hit by a nasty cold that's going through our house.  Tim had it and was down for a while.  The Ben had it, and now I have it!  Isn't it nice how we share?  We did when the kids were little too.
I spent the last two days like this.  I got up by 11, had coffee and breakfast and took a nap at 1.  I slept until dinner then stayed up until midnight and back to sleep again.  I sleep the whole night through.

This card was made for a sketch challenge for Wednesday.  The two balloons were extra.  Aren't these little mice stinkin' cute?  This is an older stamp.  It's fun to use oldies but goodies.

 Here's my card for today.  You were to use plaid in your card.  This little guy was still on my desk so he was used again.  I stamped on the red paper and cut out the overalls and glued them to the mousie.
 Walking in the Light...If I would have read this years ago, I never would have understood its meaning.  I was saved as an adult.  God brought me to my knees to get my attention.  He worked hard to get me to focus on Him and take the gift he offered to me.

August 3, 1983 my Dad died of cancer.  December of 1983 my husband told me he wanted a divorce. These two events brought me to the pit of despair where I accepted Christ.  I am so thankful that Billy Graham accepted his role to be a preacher.  He brought me to Christ in January of 1984.
He took me from the pit of dispair and brought me into the light.
My reading was about trusting in God.  My life verse is:Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.

Today is my brother John's brithday.  He is celebrating at a dinner club in Florida with Southside Johnny playing live.  I used to listen to Southside Johnny growing up.  So tonight I'm doing just that, listening to Southside Johnny live on Hoopla.

This is a long way from Southside Johnny  but what I'm feeling tonight.  My part of my relationship with Christ is to cast my cares on Him.  He will carry our burdens and lead us to where we need to be.  Trust because He sees the whole picture.  We only see our itty, bitty space in it.  Let go and let God do what he lovingly wants to do for you.

Medical Report: Still no word from Dr. about MRI so I will call tomorrow to see what's going on.  I still have nerve  pain from my neck to my wrist, so we'll see what they have to say.

My sweet son left some sleepy time tea out so I could take it right before bed. awww....what a guy.

Sweet Sarah Annie found a bit of our past at Pat Catan's today. She bought it for me as a surprise.
When the kids were little I bought window clings for each holiday.  The kids loved putting them on the windows and door.  So Hopefully the kids will once again hang these for old times sake.
Blessing of the Day: I got plenty of sleep to help fight this cold I have.
I got time with Tim tonight just to talk and be away from kids.
Feel free to let me know how I can pray for you.
Thank you for stopping by today.

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Three Card Making Opportunities

Hey Everybody, We now have opportunities to donate cards to three different facilities 1. Southwest General Hospital -Cards are placed on m...