Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Flowers, Lion, Prayers, Beaches

This is the first card in two days.  Not sure what's up with that.  This was for a color challenge this morning.  I need some cards for South Carolina Juvenile Justice Department.  So I'm making four of these then I'll go onto the next types they need.

Often I forget that the prowling lion is ever present to pull me away from the closeness of God enough to whisper those lies in my ear.  I often get busy with the business of life and forget who should have my firsts.  The first of my money AND my time with him FIRST thing  in the Day.

Would you be so kind to pray that I can begin each day with my Bible and coffee.  Thanks so much.
 I saw this yesterday and never heard that God was fighting for me. I know answers to prayer are in God's time, not mine.  I know my answer will be yes, no, or wait.
 I hope I remember this when someone says that I think I'm better than them because I'm a Christian.
What a wonderful opportunity to share your testimony if this happens to you.
 We here in Cleveland really can't complain about the weather.  We've had a mild winter and not much snow.  I have to say though, there's nothing like getting up to the sound of waves splashing against the shores, birds screaming in the air, and the smell of that ocean water as it comes through the windows moving the curtains.

Maybe I need to get a beach novel so I can be there until vacation time! LOL

 Check out this amazing picture of 2 eagles at the beach.  It looks surreal to me, like someone photoshopped it.  I've seen 1 eagle but not two, especially with wings wrapped around each other.
 Today I finished a third scarf to donate to homeless people in downtown Cleveland.  Rachel and Ben will be taking coats, hats, gloves, scarves, clothes and blankets.  So right now I'm busy trying to crochet some scarves.  I have a small and large afghan ready to go that I made a while ago.

Health: Today I'm having minor pain from my neck to my wrist.  It's settled down since the Physical Therapy stopped.  Still have pain, but it's not constant with lots of pain like before.

Blessing of the Day: Tim made meat loaf and baked potatoes for dinner while I slept. I had taken cold medicine for my cough and cold.  What a sweetie.
   Today was also a jammie day for me and Rachel.

Thanks for stopping by.

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