Sunday, January 24, 2016

Lord, I NEED you

Some Sundays I think of my Dad.  We used to go to breakfast and catch up with each other's lives.  It was a transition from daughter/father relationship to friend/friend relationship.  That time was precious to me.  I wish I could hear his voice again.  We sure don't apprciate what we have until it's gone.  
I still have a card my dad wrote as a thank you note for throwing a 20th anniversary party for he and my mom.  They never made it to 25.  He'd never given me a card before.  The front read:

Nothing you become
will disappoint me;
I have no preconception
that I'd like to see you be or do.
I have no desire
to forsee you,
only to discover you.
You can't disappoint me.
-Mary Haskell
Inside he just wrote
Love, Dad

This card still brings stinging tears because he never got to see me succeed at being the best Special Education and Reading teacher the district had seen.  He never saw grandchildren, great-grandchildren, family reunions.  Ifeel me, Tim and my kids have missed out on so much with Dad gone, but this was God's way.  My Dad's dying brought about my salvation.
Out of the darkest times in life came my rebirth in Christ.
 Cute Elephant with the three balloons was my inspiration for my card with the elephant with the group of balloons.  I colored with Copic markers then added clouds.  I love the cute little elephants that are out now on the market.
Think about this for a moment.  I sure wish this could be possible.  Maybe one person at a time.  If we take the time to get to know those we work with or go to meetings with.  We tend to talk in the every day things but go no farther.

It's interesting a few years ago I started a Card Ministry at a Church.  I met so many women there.  Many were single.  This lady and I hit it off and started to stamp together.  One day when we were
stamping at my house she said, "I never thought you'd be friends with ME!".  I asked why and she said," Because you were here running this program and I thought you'd be so above everyone like you were special for doing this ministry."  "But you weren't, you were interested in people, especially, ME!"
This made me just about cry!  I wonder if all this came from her self-esteem.  She was a heavy set middle age lady who was single, never married.  I was so glad God made me approachable and compassionate.  I'm blessed each time I'm with this woman.  We've known each other long encough to be able to tease each other like sisters.  It's so much fun to have someone you can tease, and share heart reaching topics.

Have you ever had times where you are so happy that you stayed quiet?  I have too.  I'm so glad sometimes that I can restrain from saying something.  That is something very hard to do.  You have to know when to talk and when to shut up or keep it closed and just listen.
Money can't buy these things, but knowing God can help greatly to grown us  in spirit to acquire these things. So thankful for my life in Christ.

He that does the will of God remains forever.  We'll be in heaven with Jesus Christ.  What an amazing time that will be.!
Some times I pick songs I hear on the radio when I'm listening and sometimes I choose them for my own selfish needs.  Today it's for my own selfisness needs.  I need to feel God's arms wrapped around me.  Holding me closely assuring me all is well and I need to bet back to daily reading to be close to him.  It's that close  and easy to do.
Chris Tomlin is one of the greastest worship song writers of all time.  Enjoy this and the words as you listen.

Blessing of the Day: Spending time with the family last night and today.
Spending time with Mom and finding her better than expected.

Medical Update: Waiting for MRI results. Pain seems to be better controlled.
Thanks for stopping by.

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