Thursday, April 21, 2016

Milwaukee, Here I Come!

I finally got my trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin booked.  I leave the 13th and come back the 20th.
I'm so excited!  I can't wait to see Stas' and Annie, my twin! I visited last year and had a great time, so I wanted to do it again.  Thank you God for blessing me with this trip, and a husband who booked me a direct flight, and a comfort section!  I love you Tim!
Image result for MilwaukeeMap of Milwaukee

I was really encouraged when I read this.  God is with us all the time. I wonder what he has planned for the rest of my life.

 As I read posts on FB I stop to pray for those who ask for prayers. I pray for those I know and those I don't.  When I saw this I thought it would remind others to do the same.

 I thought this was worth sharing also.  I found some very encouraging things at a site called Encouragement.

This is Ben and Rachel's car.  It is a Subaru, Forester.  It is such a great car. I love it because we don't have to figure out who gets the car.  I don't have to reconfigure the seat, mirrors and music playing. I get to drive my own car all the time!

 This is my African Violet in the kitchen.  Whenever I see Violets, I think of my grandma Francis.  She had Violets and cacti on a small, round, three-tier table at the dining room window.  My grandma has been gone since 1977.  She was 4'11" and a firey little Italian lady.  I can bet she won many arguements in that marriage. LOL
One of the fun things about Grandma Francis is that she had tiny feet and cool shoes.  She would let us walk around the house in her shoes.  We loved to do that.  We felt so grown up.  She was also generous.  If she was showing us things on her tables and we said we liked something.  Chances are we'd be bringing that item home with us.
Fun memories, just from a plant.  I love that pictures sometimes envoke wonderful memories.

Speaking of memories, FB showed me memories from 4 years ago.  My mother-in-law passed away. I also became friends with Kristina Kincaid 5 years ago.  She recently died leaving a fiance' and a 3 year old son.  She was only 39.  Both of these brought back losses I've suffered and makes me very sad.

This is the verse of the day. I know it's not a coincidence with what I just typed.  God shows us the perfect thing we need at just the right time. I will praise your name forever my God.

Blessing of the Day: I got my trip to Milwaukee booked. I had a nice dinner with Tim. We got paperwork done to open new accounts at a bank down the street.

Thank you for hanging out with me a while today.

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January 2025 Class Follow-Up

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