Lord, Jesus I pray that you continue to be with us each and every day. I pray for a peace that only you can give. I know you love us and care for each of us. Thank you for all you've done to keep us safe.
Lord, we look to you for guidance through these unprecedented times.

With all the time at home, I've been busy making cards. Some will be sent to others, so will be sent to a nursing home ministry that will make sure residents receive a card to know they haven't been forgotten. I can't imagine not being able to have visitors there.
Here is the birthday card I'm making for my daughter-in-law. It's based on Bruno Bertucci's scrappy strip card in the video below.

This is a long video because there's a lot of chatting. The card making begins about 20 minutes in. You may want to fast forward through some of the other parts to finish your card. As I said, it's chatty.
This card is the result of taking the strip card made above, and cutting it into strips the opposite way. I alternated the strips, purple at the top then the bottom. I see I used the same colors in some of the same places at the top and bottom. That's something I'll have to remember not to do next time.
This is a card I made with stamps from my friend, Jan. We both have the same kind of humor. So this Art Impressions lady, made a fun card. Both Jan and I thought that she'd be funny if we colored her mouth in and gave her dentures. This card will go to Jan for her birthday. LOL
Whether you are a card maker or not, how about sending a note to some people you know could use it? We have plenty of time, why not encourage family and friends? You'll be surprised how happy you'll feel when you do this for others.
How many days now have we been without sports to watch? Well here at our house we've taken to bird watching and cat watching! This is a picture of Phoebe watching the birds. She is sitting on the back of the chair I'm sitting in. What you don't see is her tail flicking me in the face and the surprise on my face, each time she swats me with her tail.
Tim certainly was entertained. I was amused. Phoebe was clueless of the fun she made for us.
In my garden the mini daffodils are blooming. What a gorgeous sight. Tulips are beginning to break through the ground. Poppies are above the ground in green islands among the brown of the garden. No matter what's going on in the world, nature proceeds in it's cycle of life. Praising God for this.

Check out this video of pastors around the world reading the 23rd Psalm. It's amazing. I pray that it calms your fears during this unpredictable time.
I thought this was a great song for this time in our lives. Jeremy Camp has been a long-time Christian singer with so many uplifting songs. Give this a listen.
Blessing of The Day: Tim and I remain healthy and are able to work here at home. He is working on the master bathroom and I'm working on cards and running my Stampin' Up business. I'm also working on card ministry things to encourage others.
Family and friends continue to be healthy. Tim's Dad at 92 is doing well also.
Thanks for stopping by.
If you need prayer for anything, please let me know.
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