Monday, March 2, 2020

Card Making Over and Over

Isn't it funny how life goes? One week you don't have much planned, the next week almost every day there's something.  That's how last week was for me. There was lots of stamping with friends.
The first set of images is a One Sheet Wonder I made for a friend's church ministry. She said she needed masculine cards. So I made these complete with tags for sentiments. She can stamp the sentiment needed on each card.

This was from an 8 1/2" x 11" One Sheet Wonder was by Kelly Acheson at A Stamp Above.
This makes 8 cards which go quickly. Kelly also posted pictures of her finished cards to make it even easier. Check it out.
I went to Jane's house this week to stamp. She has put together a new stamp room in her dining room. She was in the basement, but hated to stamp down there. She felt cut off from the world. She loves sitting in her dining room with all the light flowing in through her windows. She loves watching people go by while she stamps.
I helped her with organization tips and now she's up and running. What's fun is, I have my own desk here! We stamped together and had a great time! Here are the two cards Jane had us make.

 I don't often look for stamps that aren't Stampin' Up, but when I saw a video on this set, I had to get it. It is something I haven't seen before and I thought it was amazing. Wendy Vecchi of Ranger, has made this new combo stamp set. It has stamps, dies and a stencil.  check this out.  I think this came out this year, but her concept of all three together came out last year at Creativation. This set is called, Birthday Bash.

This is the card I made from using the stamps, dies and stencils. It was pretty cool. I can't wait to make some more cards. I loved being able to stencil stripes and confetti with different colors.

 I stamped with Louise this week. these are two of the cards we made.  Aren't they gorgeous? Louise is a customer who has become a good friend. We stamp together once a month. Whomever hosts, makes the cards and teaches the skills needed to make them.

Another day this week, I went to Dottie's house. When we get together, we each make a card for the other to make. We take turns learning from each other.  This is the card we made. The red tulip with the bow is popped up for dimension. The bow wasn't on the original that Dottie made. I got ink on the paper right there and had to cover it up.  Mistakes like that are a chance to improvise, right?

We got front-loading machines a while back. Tim didn't want to get the bases for them because he wanted to make them. It would be cheaper.  We knew we had to do something because we had to stoop over so low to get clothes in and out of these things.  
When it came time to make the bases, it was in everyone's best interest to order the bases instead of making them! Hey, I listen to the guy who has to make them. If he doesn't want to make them, we buy the bases. You have to be very flexible in any marriage, right?

Check out how high the machines are now. What's funny is, the panels are at eye level for me! I feel so small standing next to them.

This is the puzzle Ben got for Tim for his birthday. It's 1,000 pieces. It was one of the hardest puzzles we put together. Why? Check out how much blue there is. check out the many colored fish. Many of the fish have similar colors.  Many of the pieces were found by looking for specific shaped pieces, not just by color. The fact that there were no words made this more difficult as well.  Three cheers for us for finishing this puzzle!  Thanks, Ben.

This is the 3D item we will be making at my March Class. Isn't it cute? It was made by using a tutorial from Brenda Quintana. It's called, a Daisy Treat Bag. It has a clear bag inside to hold Hershey Kisses. 

I saw this on FB and had to pass it on.  We're all facing hardships in life. Some days are okay and some are not. That's just how life is.

Verse of the Day:Matthew 6:5-6
Image result for Matthew 6:5-6

Here's a song by Casting Crowns called, Nobody. Give it a listen. I wonder if you can identify with this like I do.

Blessing of the Day: So much to be blessed with. Tim got many of the things he'll need for remodeling the master bathroom.
I was able to help Ben by watching Zoey so he could go to his meeting with the county and the parents of the foster kids he has.
I got a well-needed nap after very little sleep last night.
Tim and I spent time today just talking. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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