Check out Rebecca Grohall's blog to see how this little guy originated.
Although mine looks similar, I used some different things to achieve a similar look. The body and head were made with the tag punch and small tag punch. I punched the tags out then cut off the top part. The graham cracker and chocolate part are the same as Rebecca's. The eyes and mouth are made with the double circle punch. The nose is only orange cs torn and cut to look like a carrot. The arms are badly drawn in. LOL The squares were rounded using a corner rounder punch. I used bashful blue around the outside of both the bashful blue and banana cs. The tag has a faux eyelet made by using the 1/8" punch. I used the snowflakes in bashful and banana to complete the look. Thanks Rebecca.
I began to think while looking at the title, S'more Man....how we are like this in our everyday life. We have what God has given to us and we say we need s'more.... and s'more, and s'more. When is enough, enough? Have you ever wanted something so much that it is all that you think about? You can't get it out of you mind? Then you get that item, use it, love it, then little by little it loses it's shine and effect? It's what happens to all things we have in the material world. God tells us it's all His anyway.......Ya, way, it's His! So we need to stop lusting after material things and give of our selves to others. That might be your time, you talents, your cards, your cash.....We need to begin to think of others before ourself. Ouch! That hurts doesn't it? It's amazing how much your attitude can change when you begin to do things for others. You find your don't need so much stuff because your heart is full of love and the satisfaction of doing for others what they couldn't do for themselves. Challenge yourself this week: What can you to do bless someone today? Little acts of kindness can go a long, long, way!
Blessings until next time!
What a yummy card Sue!!
Linda (studbo)
I'll probably think of this article everytime I see a s'more. :D
Too cute!
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