Friday, August 24, 2007

What Do You Do?

Here's a question for you; What do you do when the good Lord hands you a new medical challenge?
a) cry and go to sleep to forget
b) go numb
c) bury it deep and don't think about it
d) cry, then pray about it and ask others to pray about it too

I have been given a medical challenge today and I did cry. Now I'm asking people to pray about it for me. It is not life threatening, so I know things could be worse. Each day though it seems that something else is going wrong medically. I will pray that God will lead me through this and that He will fill me with a peace knowing He's here with me. I thank you for your prayers as well.
God is in control and that should fill me with peace. I am praying for that peace today.


Denise said...

I wish I could address you by name but I wasn't able to find it on your blog.
I just had to post after reading your paragraphs on your medical challenge. This has been a year (since April 2006, actually) of one medical challenge after another for my husband. He had ulcerative colitis and nearly died after the surgery. He was in the hospital for 2-1/2 months. And even before the surgery he was in and out of the hospital dealing with bouts of the colitis. Now he faces hip replacement surgery because of the consequences of long term prednisone use. It's been tough. And to top it off my mom had a mild stroke last Sunday night. She'll recover okay but her speech will always be effected. I'm leaning heavily on the Lord to get me through all this. I couldn't possibly do it on my own. I've prayed and cried plenty. Watch for the blessings you'll find during this time...they'll be there, trust Him. I have a renewed love for my mom ...I think I've been taking her for granted and assuming she'd be there for years to come. And the relationship between my husband and son, which was pretty much non-existant before his illness, has been healed. They grow closer everyday.
I know you trust make sure you keep your eyes wide open!
Blessings to you and your family,
Denise Cote

Sharon in NE said...

Oh Sue, I hadn't checked the blogs. Clearly, the only thing you can do is cry then turn it over to the Lord. Being the Creator, He knows exactly what it takes to correct conditions. He can provide the wisdom to the medical staff and what it takes to provide relief and healing. I will pray for exactly those things and I am confident He is ABLE. My favorite verse: "God is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us..." Eph 3:20. We cannot even fathom what he is capable of doing, so all we can do is turn it over to Him. Become educated in the medical condition, keep an open dialogue with your doctor (ask questions) and trust God. I will pray for the medical staff, for you and your family that He will provide His wonderful peace.

Anonymous said...

The top two comments on your blog really cover everything I wanted to say, but I will share a bit of my testimony. May 5, 1980, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I was 11. What do you do? You cry. My mother, bless her heart, allowed me to cry for a short time, and then she said, "Alright, let's deal with this. It could be worse." That's a hard concept to grasp for an 11-year-old, but we dealt with it. I learned all about my diabetes and how to take care of myself to be able to get the most out of life. I also learned a certain amount of obedience - do what I'm supposed to to stay healthy. That carries over into my relationship with the Lord. I have leaned on the Lord through it all. Only He can lift me up and give me strength through it all. He is an ever-present help - no further than the mention of His name. I will pray for you. Take care . . . Elizabeth S.

Debbi said...

You will be in my prayers that God will lead you through this. As you know one of my sons is austistic and we just found out he has growth hormone problems (1" growth in 2.5 yrs) he is 6 and the size of a 3 year old. Just remember you are in God's hands. When I need to feel safe, I love to visualize that. Just imagine your little self sitting in the hands of our great creator. How much more comfort can we get? PM on SCS if you need to talk!!!

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