Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Baby is 11 Today

So today is my baby's 11th birthday. It's been a fun day for all. We have a tradition that you get breakfast in bed, you are sung to and there is a birthday candle put into whatever you're having. Sometimes we video and sometimes we don't. This morning I was the only one doing all of this, so I couldn't carry the plate with a lit candle and record with the camera! LOL
Sarah's had a fun day. She loves the Detroit Tigers and got some really neat gifts like a rug, clock and shirt. Her best friend moved to Detroit and we went to a game there when we visited Greenfield Village, so she's loved them ever since.
She gets razzed but good around here since the Indians are our hometown heroes!
It's all good fun though.
We went out to eat to celebrate her birthday. We also had exquisite ice cream desserts to celebrate. Usually the birthday person picks a restaurant and a dessert for home. Tonight we thought since we were in a restaurant that had fantastic ice cream desserts, we get that instead of a grocery store ice cream dessert.
11 years ago today that little kiddo was a 10 pound baby in my arms by now. Another tradition we have is to go through the baby pictures and talk about the time before and after you were born and how very special it was and how special and wanted, you were and are.
Sweet Sarah Annie, Happy Birthday.


Debbi said...

Happy Birthday Sarah! It sounds like your Mom makes sure your day is very special. May the Lord bless you with a wonderful upcoming next year!

Sharon in NE said...

Precious then and now.

Cheryl said...

What a wonderful tradition you have for your family! Breakfast in bed sounds wonderful! Would you adopt me? LOL

Wonderful pics and hope she had a terrific day.

New Stamps In The House!

 Hey Everybody, I just received two new stamp sets that will be available in the March Online Exclusives. You know me and cute animals. Well...