Monday, April 26, 2010

April 10th was my 3 Year Blogversary! (And I missed it!)

Thanks Hope for sending me a link to my first post in this blog which is now 3 years old.  Wow was it really that long ago that I started doing this?
  I have to tell you about a funny thing that happened Saturday.  We hear this goose honking and find that it is on the roof next door.  The funny thing was their two dogs kept running up to the house, then back in the yard to see the goose.  Then they'd run up to the house and bark again, then run back to see the goose.  This went on for about 15 minutes until the mate of the goose arrived, and they flew off into the sunset.
I've been busy getting cards made for donating to the Cleveland Ronald McDonald House May 13th.  Our school will go and bring wish list items as well as handmade cards for the families to use.  I am going to have a card making time May 3rd and 4th for staff to help make cards.  I also received a donation of two sets of 75 cards that can be made with stickers and rub-ons.  Do you know how long it takes to use rub-ons for 75 cards?  Oh my, I used some for the outsides of cards, but couldn't see doing it for the insides.  I used my trusty stamps instead. 
We've had some emotional issues to deal with here and we're put it in God's hands.  When I heard this song, by Mandissa, it fit perfectly with what we are going through.  God's there no matter what.  See what you think:

Today was a day off for my assistant.  All I could picture was her sitting home with her feet up eating bon-bons! LOL  I know that's not what she was doing, and she certainly deserves a day off.  It was a dreary, rainy day, the kind of day good for sleeping in, reading and just being lazy in pj's.

I need to go to the dentist in a little bit.  Have you heard after having a major surgery that when you go to the dentist, you need to take amoxicillin an hour before you go to the dentist?  I had to do that today.  Not sure how low after surgery you have to do that.
Gotta go to the dentist then get some work and maybe some stamping done.
Thanks Hope for the reminder about my Blogversary.
Bless you for taking time to check up on me.

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Shading With Colored Pencils

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