Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's That Time Again.............

The Simple Woman’s Daybook
FOR TODAY November 21st, 2010
Outside My Window... It is dark and so warm outside.  Yes, I said warm.  Right now in Cleveland it's 54 degrees!
I am thinking... that I need to get to sleep soon.
I am thankful for... Ben's health and my family.  Ben's been out of school 6 days with pneumonia.  Poor guy I hope he does
From the kitchen... it is quiet as all have gone to sleep but me.  oooops...Sarah just scared me, she can't sleep and tiptoed down here to the dining room.......
I am wearing... a tee shirt, jeans and shoes
I am creating... Christmas cards for my class to make for a nursing home.
I am going... to sleep soon.
I am reading... nothing but my Bible since I've been so busy lately.
I am hoping... that my visit with Jan goes well tomorrow night.
I am hearing... the ticking of the clock and the hum of tim's fish pumps below.
Around the house... most are sleeping, even the cats.
One of my favorite things... to laugh and fool around with Tim and the kids.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Fun stamping with Jan, two days of work then off for Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving with in-laws.  Hope to see my mom for her birthday.  We've invited her to dinner but no word yet.
No shopping on Black Friday.........hate to shop on that day.
I will shop from the comfort of my own house. :-)
Tonight our sermon was on simplifying your life.  Simplifying so that you don't have idols.  It's interesting to begin to think about this.  We've been discussing this simplification thing for a few weeks now since Ben brought it up.  He said he only wanted a few things and wanted us to decide what to do with the rest of the money we'd have spent on his Christmas and donate it somewhere.  So we've all been praying about what to do for our Christmas this year.  Not sure what we will do, but it's going to include donating money so a family can have a meal and presents.  it's also going to include some festive movies.  We also do an oooweeegooeee breakfast concoction.  We read the story of the first Christmas as well.  
I keep asking myself what my idols are so I can ask God to help me deal with about you?  Do you have idols?  Things you treasure more than God?  Things you do that come before God?
I'm praying for you and me that we'll be brave enough to voice what our idols are and ask God to remove them from our lives.
Thanks for visiting tonight.
Blessings, Sue

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