Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Charlie Brown Christmas

Here's a snippet of one of my favorite parts of the Charlie Brown Christmas. I enjoy seeing the real reason for the season whenever I can.  I am so thrilled with the gift of God on Christmas Morning.  I wonder if he ever asked his Father if he HAD to come down know not my will but yours?  I know he said that in the garden before he was arrested, but wonder if he said it before coming to earth?  Hmmmmmm something to ponder huh?

Today I got a lot of things done.  Cleaning in general then I got my Christmas cards addressed and ready to mail.  That takes a long time but I enjoy it.  I also enjoy getting cards and hearing from friends I haven't heard from since last year.  I love getting the letters of info.from people to let me know what their family has been up to.  I send one out to most people on my list, except the locals that already know what's going on here.
How about you?  Do you send out a letter with the cards?  Do you send out cards?
I got an email from a friend with this link on it.  It had an interesting story.  I hope you have time to watch it.
I learned some things from watching it.  I hope you do too.

I am on vacation now and I am going to see if I can get back to exercising and eating healthier.  I am asking for prayers that I can continue to do more to feel healthier and stronger.  I know I'm still recovering from my surgery, but I also want to get back my health.
Thanks for stopping by,

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