Friday, February 25, 2011

Weird Weather

This morning I was awakened by the phone to let me know that there was no school.  The weather outside was frightful.  So much so, that I was praying for my DH on  his way to work at 5:40 a.m.
No kidding, it was windy and snowy.  It had been raining then snowing so all the snow was on top of ice.
Fun commute huh?  Many people decided to stay home..........wish Tim had.
  Anyway after I got a message that he was safe at work I tried to go to sleep.  There was thunder and lightning as the snow came down!  Have you ever heard thunder and lightning during a snowstorm?  I was amazed cuz this was another first in my life!
  We proceeded to get about 8" which continued to blow and drift the show into 12" drifts.  It was not an easy task for the kids to get the driveway cleared.  The snowblower is big and heavy duty but it sill took a long time.
   Ben's sick with a fever but he had to go out and get the snowblower job done.  Sarah's not good with it and I'm not allowed to touch the machine since I have had my two hips replaced.  Ben had to stay home from his guys retreat this weekend.  It was not a tough decision since he had a fever and a nasty cough.
I told him that it wouldn't take much for the pneumonia to come back.  Sometimes kids don't realize how much an illness takes out of them.
  Tim and I are going to see the movie The Grace Card tomorrow night.  This will make two date night Fridays in a row!  Woohoo, I'm liking this!
Take a look at this trailer for the film.  It's a Christian film.

I pray that you will be touched by God's love, grace, peace and arms.  May He give you what you need according to His will.
Bless you for stopping by.

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