Saturday, May 28, 2011

The End of the Year is Near.......

Outside My Window...It's dark and raining.  We're building and ark here in N.E. Ohio! LOL  Seriously, there's been so much rain, the ground can't hold any more water so what is falling is running right off.  Fortunately for us we're on high ground.

I am thinking...It's been a weird day.  I fell asleep at 4 and woke up at 1:30a.m. so I'm awake at 4:30.
Took the kids to a resale shop which gives it profits to missions. The kids were asked to buy clothes at a store like this so they could wear them for the trip, then leave them in Peru where they will be washed and given to those in need.  79 kids and the clothes they wear for 10 days is a lot of clothes! God is great!

I am thankful for...days off and time to myself. 

From the learning rooms...This is the kid's last week of school.   They are done June 3rd.  I'm jealous, as my last day is June 8th.  We're packing to move upstairs at school and so far have a great deal packed, but have lots to go.

From the kitchen...all is quiet as the teens are sleeping.

I am wearing...capri jeans and a t-shirt.

I am creating...lots of cards for our Father's Day sale at church.  Can't wait to show you.

I am stamp with Jane tomorrow.  Can't wait.

I am reading...A Man's Heart by Lori Copeland.  It's Christian Fiction.

On my getting kids ready for Peru.  They leave Father's Day and come back July4th.

Around the house...all is quiet including the cat sleeping under my table while the dryer finishes a load of clothes.

One of my favorite things...time with God.....I had that while I ate dinner this morning... at 2 a.m.  I slept through dinner so had something when I woke up.  God reminded me there will be struggles and tough times, but He will always be with me.

A Picture to Share….This is Sam who has gotten weirder as he ages.  He jumps up on places he's never gone before.  He's going to help pass things to me that I need from the lazy susan I have on my craft table.  He's the cat that is currently sleeping under my craft tables.  Isn't he a handsome cat?  We got him 10 years ago from our vet as a kitten. 

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week- We will celebrate Memorial Day by cooking out if it doesn't rain.  I will continue packing at work.  Ben will come to work Tuesday and help with Field Day.
I will stamp with Jane tomorrow. I will go to church tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by. I'll have pictures of cards I'm working on soon.

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The Simple Woman's Daybook for August 2, 2024

 The Simple Woman's Daybook for August 2, 2024 Looking out my window it's dark and starting to cool off. It has been muggy and rainy...