Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Feeling Better First Day Of Summer Tuesday

Well, we got word from the Peru Trip:
News just in from Peru....They have no wifi access as of right now. We'll let you know when this changes.

We've landed in Iquitos! 59 of us are here, while a brave 18 should be landing in Lima from Houston shortly. They are confirmed to be joining us in Iquitos tomorrow. Praise the Lord, let the ministry begin!
So kids are In Peru and will have time to rest. I can't imagine traveling for that length of time ya know? They left Sunday night at 10:30 pm and arrived in Peru about 3:30 pm today.  Praise God let the Mission work and growth in our kids begin!

Here are two cards I got in the mail this week.  One is from Hope, Patti, and Rose.(Hi Rose and Hope)  What a beautiful card. I'm going to have to find out how you guys made this one.

Here is the second RAK I received at part of the Tea Party a few weeks ago from Jill.  Check out the pool rules.  They are a hoot.  Thanks Jill for sending the card and a few images inside.
I am feeling better.  I slept last night and actually ran errands today.  I went to the library, the bank and grocery shopping.
I got to see my dear friend Val.  It's been so long since I've seen her.  It was good to get together and talk and stamp.
Tomorrow I have a morning meeting for work, then it's stamping time with another friend, Pam.
Summer vacation is going so well!
Tim and I went for a walk in 86 degree heat with a breeze.  It was hard to do but I'm glad I did it.
Thanks for stopping by.


Stampin' Mom of Four said...

Go glad your kids made it to Peru! Also glad that you're feeling better. Take it easy!

Hope said...

You will have to see if you can bribe the instructions for the card out of Patti!!! hee hee

So glad you are having fun and doing OK without the kids.

JD/ Jill said...

Sue, You have a lovely blog, I've bookmarked it to come back later and take another look when I have more time...But I just wanted to thank you for posting my card on your blog. Hope you liked it...I know I really have fun doing the teapot challenges...Look forward to Tuesdays...

Important Updates

Hey Everybody,   I have a few IMPORTANT updates to share, including a brand-new rewards program, price change details, an exc...