Saturday, May 4, 2013

Thank You God For Such a Blessed Day!

We got up early to finish planting flowers which for the second night, the deer didn't touch!  That in itself is quite a blessing!  We've planted things that were supposed to be deer resistant but our little Bambi's loved them to pieces, literally!
  We got veggies cut, ice and pop in tubs and we were ready to go.  At exactly 2:00 p.m. the food arrived and we began to fill our plates and enjoy our family and friends.
   What a glorious day of weather we had also.  It was a bit breezy but that died down and with the sun it became a wonderful day for an outside party!
     I took some pictures too but Sarah has my camera so I have to wait for her to get her pictures off it first.

 Here are some random pictures I found today.

 So proud to be a teacher.  I was wondering how many students I have taught in my 35 years. It's been about 450 or so.  I've taught as few as 8 students and as many as 16 students with disabilities.  

 When I saw this on FB today I laughed so hard.  Hope this is just for you! LOL
Do you have a song that takes you back to a certain place and time?  I have the music I listened to the summer I planned my wedding almost 20 years ago.  I also have the songs we played as a new couple.  What wonderful memories.

This is my ideal way to end a day.  Watching the sun go down and witness God's wondrous colors of creation.  I am so amazed at his handiwork with sunrises and sunsets.  Can you ever get tired of seeing them? 

Blessing of the day: Everyone had a wonderfully blessed time at the party today.  We are exhausted but happy.  Thank you heavenly Father for providing for all of us today.  You give us so much more than we deserve.

I Need a Miracle is a song by Third Day.  We all need this now and then when things just aren't going well for us.  So glad God is always beside us no matter what is going on.

My friend Jane is in a time of stress as her dad is on a high dose of pain meds and isn't aware of much of anything.  Please pray for Jane that she'll feel God there right beside her every step of the way.

Thanks for stopping by.

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January 2025 Class Follow-Up

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