Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Photos, Videos, Thoughts

 I saw this online and thought it fit where I was at the time.  I've had friends who have reached out and  I feel so grateful that they are here.  
 I also need to keep this in mind when I become down.  It's amazing how when I need something from God, sometimes it comes in the form of Facebook sayings someone posts. :)
 I thought this was a beautiful picture which shows God's true power to make a solar system so amazing that we know it could never have formed by itself.
 This was posted on the Operation Write Home post yesterday.  It is great to hear how cards we send can help soldiers wherever they are.  Doing our small part to support them feels good.
I never get tired of seeing reunions..........

This looks so amazing to me.  I wonder if I'd be brave enough to do this.  Would You?

We are just about a week from Thanksgiving.  There is so much I am thankful for.  How about you?  As a kid I often saw the Norman Rockwell Picture of Thanksgiving.  That's what I wanted for my family gatherings.  How about you?  Most of my holidays were wonderful, growing up.  We had our times of conflict growing up.  Now that we are all grown, it's pretty different.  We are all on our own, have families our own traditions and getting together is never the Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving.  It's funny how I've realized that for years this is the family gathering I wanted.  I was disappointed when it didn't happen.  Every family has it conflicts, quirks, personalities that don't get along, or baggage they bring to the gathering.  Now that I've let go of the Norman Rockwell family gathering, I'm not disappointed anymore about our holidays.  We're people, doing what people do; not a painting of a moment in time.
Here's another person who molded my young mind growing up.  Walt Disney films always ended happily ever after didn't they?  Growing up on these movies and never seeing my parents disagree(they talked over coffee while we played in the house or outside after dinner.) made me think that once you had that Disney wedding all was good.  I had a rude awakening when I grew up.

Between Norman Rockwell and Walt Disney, I had a very different view of the world growing up.  I kinda wish it could still be like that ya know?
I'm glad that's not how life is.  Neither of those ideas included God.  He is my Father and loves me unconditionally no matter what.  I am his daughter and will see him one day.  Nothing better than that!

Please keep my twin, Anne in your prayers.  She is having a full knee replacement surgery today in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Blessing of the Day:Val came to visit with tea and hugs.
Thanks for stopping by.

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How To Create A Background of Clouds, Water and Sand

 Hey everybody, Today I wanted to show you something you can use to make backgrounds for your cards. In the first photo you can see three di...