Monday, December 30, 2013

Sweet Sarah Annie's 17th Birthday!

Birthdays are bittersweet these days.  Each birthday is one step closer to leaving home.  I know it's the natural way that things go, but sometimes it makes me sad.  Today was a bittersweet day.  I had tears thinking about 17 years ago and thinking about what things will be like with both Ben and Sarah gone.  I'm happy for Sarah that she's figuring out what she wants in life and will go out in the world and make something of  her self.
I've included a few pictures of Sarah through the years.  The first two are Sarah now and Sarah in 1996.

Sarah loved following Ben around.  He loved his little sister and loved posing with her.
 Sarah is discovering her world.  She found my flowers and pulled them towards herself on the table.  Sarah's waiting to eat dinner.

 Ben and Sarah were posing here for Christmas card pictures.
 We celebrated Ben and Sarah's birthdays in January with the family.  It was between their birthdays which are December and February.  Sarah's 6 and Ben is 8.
 This was a birthday tradition.  Kids would have breakfast in bed.  We'd sing Happy Birthday and talk while they ate breakfast in bed.  Good times.
 This is tonight with Sarah trying on her Zoomies.  Still building lots of nice memories.

Today I gave both Ben and Sarah their journal.  I kept a journal for each child from the time I found out I was pregnant.  I'm hoping that it is a way for them to see how much they are loved.  I'm also hoping they will see another side of me.  They see me as Mom right now but in a year or so I won't have the control I do now.  We'll transition into friends sometime down the road.

We're having a Dispicable Me marathon with both DVDs.  Enjoying all this family time.

We went to Macaroni Grill for dinner.  We told our waiter it was Sarah's birthday.  Another waiter who was a Music major at BW came out and sang Happy Birthday in Italian to her.  It was beautiful!

Blessing of the Day:Celebrating Sarah's birthday
Thanks for stopping by.

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New Stamps In The House!

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