Tuesday, December 17, 2013

You Are Alive In Us

Today was grocery shopping day for Sarah and I.  It was cold and windy.  The kind of day you'd like to stay in bed!  The shopping has to happen so out the door we went.  I wish we had a grocery store near us.  The closest is 10 minutes away. Sarah and I had time to talk and laugh on the way.  Sometimes that's the highlight of my day with her.  I'm so thankful when things are like this with her.  I know the day is coming when she too will 'leave the nest' and I'll have to wait for visits.  So I'm trying to appreciate these times while I have them.

Sarah's reward for going shopping is her gooey, chocolate doughnut.  I told her to get me one today.  Do you know she refused?  Yup, she put one in the bag for her and none for me!!  It was in my best interest, but I still really wanted that doughnut.  Some days are like that.

I found some cute images on FB today.  I just had to show you.  I'm thinking of Ben and Rachel's kitten, Phoebe and wondering what she thinks of the tree and if she's climbed it yet. :)
This is how I hope our cat Annabelle gets along with Phoebe when she arrives Sunday.
I had a shock this morning when I saw the Operation Write Home had MY card posted!  There are thousands of cards that are sent to Sandy in Washington state.  You never expect you will know someone whose card is posted let alone see your own card.!  I was so excited I re-posted  it on FB.
This is some of the yummiest ink on paper, dontcha think?

I saw this and thought how great it is to start kids young learning about God.  I know this is posed and the baby isn't really praying, but  if the dad is conscious of this at THIS age, hopefully it will continue as this child grows.  There's no greater joy than to hear your child has accepted Christ and you will spend eternity with them!
Think how much better our world, our schools, our work places and our homes would be if we kept this front and center.

So where are you with pride?  I don't mean like school pride or proud of yourself for a job well done.  I mean the selfish pride that surfaces when you have a disagreement.  You know what I mean, the kind of pride that takes over and digs it's heels in when you won't give in, when you won't apologize for a wrong doing.  I struggle big time with this.  It's not that I don't apologize for wrongs that are obvious, I do.  What about when each of you feels the other is wrong about something?  There is an impasse and you each feel there is nothing to say you're sorry for.  What do you do?

I know the 'classroom answer' would be to pray about it together or alone and not let the sun go down on your anger.  What's the 'broken human being' answer?  I struggle because I feel I've been wronged.  It's hard to ask for forgiveness when you feel you haven't done anything wrong.

I'm seeing that in God's time things work out.  Sometimes it's me who says "I'm sorry" first and sometimes it isn't me.  It's not about 'winning' an argument, but dealing with your pride to say you are sorry.  I heard this song tonight and it spoke to me.  One of the lines in the chorus says this, "You are alive in us, nothing can take your place.  You are all we need, your love has set us free."

Hearing that reminds me that God really is alive in me but I do a poor job sometimes representing him.  I'm praying that God will help me work on this.  How about you?

Here are the words.  I couldn't find a video with lyrics that didn't have flashy lights.  It really took away from the song for me.

Hillsong Young & Free - Alive Lyrics

I was lost with a broken heart
You picked me up, now I'm set apart
From the ash I am born again
Forever safe in the Saviour's hands
You are more than my words could say
I'll follow You Lord for all my days
I'll fix my eyes, follow in Your ways
Forever free in unending grace

'Cause You are, You are, You are my freedom
We lift You higher, lift You higher
Your love, Your love, Your love never ending
Oh oh oh

You are alive in us
Nothing can take Your place
You are all we need
Your love has set us free

In the midst of the darkest night
Let Your love be the shining light
Breaking chains that were holding me
You sent Your Son down and set me free
Everything of this world will fade
I'm pressing on till I see Your face
I will live that Your will be done
I won't stop till Your Kingdom come

'Cause You are, You are, You are my freedom
We lift You higher, lift You higher
Your love, Your love, Your love never ending
Oh oh oh

You are alive in us
Nothing can take Your place
You are all we need
Your love has set us free

You are, You are, You are my freedom
We lift You higher
You are, You are, You are my freedom
We lift You higher, lift You higher
Your love, Your love, Your love never ending
Oh oh oh

You are alive in us
Nothing can take Your place
You are all we need
Your love has set us free

You are alive in us
Nothing can take Your place
You are all we need
Your love has set us free

God has set me free and I need to start living like it.  I need to do my part in this relationship with him.  Sometimes 'life' gets in the way. Please pray that I can improve my relationship with God and others.

Blessing of the Day: Bible study with Chuck and MaryAnn. Safe travels for them as they head to Georgia Friday to visit their kids and grandkids.
Thanks for stopping by.

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