Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Cutest Little Stamp-Milly by Lili of the Valley

I've just been introduced to this son through my son.  I love it!  Give it a listen.  It's by the David Crowder Band and called Like A Lion.

I have had so much fun making cards using the stamps Pam brought Tuesday.  So this doesn't take forever, I'm going to load them in a smaller version that is typical for me.  This llittle girl is called Milly and she's from the company Lili of the Valley in the UK.

My week just keeps getting busier and busier.  I can't beli.eve that August 1st is Monday.  That means 4 more weeks of summer vacation Hope.  I am truly enjoying this summer.  The last two I had surgery and was recovering from that surgery.  I am getting back more and more strength to be able to withstand things longer.
  My dear friend Val asked me to do a workshop for her Tuesday.  The bonus of it is that this will be at Panera Bread! I just love that place!  I just had a workshop Saturday so I still have lots of samples and some wow things to do.
  Sarah has 9 girls over tonight who will stay over.  They are currently in the pool and Ben's keeping a watchful eye on them.  Girls tend to get silly and loud very easily and I don't need complaints from the neighbors.  I think we'll close the basement door so that Tim can sleep tonight.  I'm guessing there won't be much sleep tonight in the basement! LOL
  Tomorrow Sarah will be doing an all day Mission Trip in Cleveland.  I'm sure she's going to be beat when she gets home.
  Can't wait for Saturday, our church is showing the Bethany Hamilton movie, Soul Surfer.  $2.00 gets us a seat, pop and popcorn.  I"m going with a friend. 
  Well it's time to check up on the girls and get some reading done.  My book, The Help is due Sunday and I can't renew it!
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Stampin' Mom of Four said...

Aww! Those cards are so cute! Did you get any sleep last night? I'm glad you're enjoying your summer! School will be starting sooner than you think.

The Simple Woman's Daybook for August 2, 2024

 The Simple Woman's Daybook for August 2, 2024 Looking out my window it's dark and starting to cool off. It has been muggy and rainy...