Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hey Hope, I Went To Work Today!

Hope, I have to tell you I went to work yesterday AND today!  Yup, I took the kids today and we got so much done.  Sarah worked on emptying my math program files into the three file drawers.  Ben and I emptied boxes and put them on shelves or in a cabinet.  I can't believe how much we got done today.

Our custodian is so nice.  He brought some more fans down so we wouldn't die of the heat.  The lady cleaners brought down a book shelf that was available in the hall from the principal's desk.  So I will go in tomorrow and wipe down things and continue to unload boxes.  I'm giving the kids the day off.

Ben's feeling better.  He's coming down regularly for snacks.  Tomorrow he will go to church and practice with the band.  It will be the first time in 2 weeks that he's been to church.
The Sr. High and Jr. High will share the new pastor named BB.  BB is a nickname from his childhood.  His real name is Steve, but the Sr. High's pastor is named Steve, so they kept BB for his name.  BB came by to see how Ben was doing.  It sounded like they had a great time together.  BB just graduated from college so he's 5 years older than Ben.  When I first met him I was amazed at how young he was.  Tim's daughter, Brianna is his age!  Yikes, that means we could be his parents!  Oh my, feeling old right now! LOL

Sarah is with friends from her former high school.  Her two friends will start band practice Aug. 1st so they have to see each other now cuz they will be exhausted from practicing in the heat.

I was supposed to go to Bible Study tonight and was on my way when a huge storm came through.  The kind with high winds and pouring down rain.  The gal hosting the Bible study called to warn of the storm, then Tim called me and I slowly drove home in the storm.  I hate trying to see in weather like that.  Yet, I don't want to stop on the road.  I look for some place to pull off to wait it out.

Today after dinner as Ben and I were talking, Sam our cat hit Ben with his paw.  It was so funny.  I didn't see it until it happened again! LOL  It was so funny to watch.  Sam was trying to get Ben's attention to feed him.  What a hoot it was.  I wished I'd gotten a video of it.  Sam is one funny cat when he wants to be.


Here's my card for today's music challenge. This is based on the song, He Was Walking Her Home, by Mark Schultz found here.
It is a beautiful song about the life of a couple, and how much they love each other.
I used a cheery lane die called French Lattice from Cheery Lane Designs. The image is a Mo Manning Creation called Jack and Ginger colored with Copic markers. I loved this image when I saw it. I made this into an anniversary card. 
 The inside says, 

This is the kind of love we all crave isn't it?  Well we can have it with Jesus Christ.  He will love you for all eternity.  I can't even fathom that can you?
My Father In Law was talking about reading his Bible and had questions about it.  We tried to answer them as best we could.  Not sure if he's saved, but I had the opportunity to tell him he'll be in Heaven for sure if he asks God for forgiveness, says he knows he's a sinner, and asks God to take control of his life.  He seemed to understand.  I'm praying that if he's not saved, that he will come to be saved.

When Mom was dying in the hospital I prayed with Tim at his mom's bedside.  I also asked Dad if I could pray with him after I prayed with Tim and Mom.  He said yes, and we held hands as I prayed.  Lord if Dad's not saved, please allow him to continue to search.

Blessing of the day: We got so much done in my classroom.
Thanks for stopping by.

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