Monday, May 5, 2014

Encouragement Needed How About You?

This video was posted by a friend on FB.  She is beginning to run and her coach showed this tonight.  This was inspiring and had me begin to look at what I can do to get out of the slump I'm in.  I know what I need to do, I just need a push to get started.
  It's so hard beginning again after being on vacation.  You try to eat healthy then fall into eating whatever your taste buds desire.
  Tim and I are back to eating healthy so now I need to add exercise.  I have a recumbent bike and a treadmill downstairs with the ability to watch TV or movies while I exercise.  Why don't I go down there and exercise?
  Please pray for me that I will get back to exercising whether I want to or not.  The more I don't walk,  the more guilty I feel.  The more guilty I feel, the more depressed I get.  UGH!  I need to get out of this vicious circle.  Thanks for your prayers.  I hope and pray that you are encouraged by this.

Encouragement for today.

This is something I need to take to heart and get myself in gear and just DO IT!
 Do you ever have a helper when you work at your computer?  This was a cute photo a friend posted.  So sweet.
 Next I have several cards I've made in the last day or two.  This card is a direct CASE of Brandy's.  Check out her video found here:  I haven't done direct to paper in a long time.  That's how the background was made.
 Here's a card I made by watching Gina K make a double background card.  The directions for this card can be found here:
 This is a stunning card made with sponging following Teresa Momber's directions found here.  There is a video on Gina K.  I used a different stamp set but I still like how it looks.  This was my second card for the Ways To Use It Challenge on SCS.  You had to stamp words on your background.
This card was for today's ways to use it challenge at SCS.  You had to stamp on your background.
This picture was taken by a guy fishing at Edgewater Park this afternoon.  It's hard to see in this photo but at the end of the walkway there is a couple.  The photographer didn't notice them when he took the picture.  Just after he took this picture he saw the movement of the guy down on one knee to propose.  He said there was lots of excitement so he figured the lady said, "Yes!"  Fun discovery isn't it?
This picture was posted by my friend Jan.  It is called a Giant Red Aeonium.  Never heard of them but love, love, love the colors~
Blessing of the Day: I got to stamp all day AND I didn't eat any junk food!
Thanks for stopping in today.

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Important Updates

Hey Everybody,   I have a few IMPORTANT updates to share, including a brand-new rewards program, price change details, an exc...