Tuesday, May 13, 2014

High Temps And More Thunderstorms

Thunderstorms predicted again for the rest of the week.  Tonight a front went through but it was a weak one.  It cooled things off though which was nice.  It went to 88 degrees today which meant the air conditioning had to go on.  The rest of the weeks it's supposed to be in the 60's.  That's Cleveland for you. LOL

Here's a picture of the aftermath of the storm.  The area behind that looks like a line was a smaller version of the river we had gushing through our yard.  There were two rivers going around the pool.  It washed all of the mulch from around the pool away.  Our neighbors down the hill got new mulch.

So glad we didn't get flooded in the house.  My brother-in-law had 3 feet of water in his garage and house.  He has to take his two cars in to be fixed and take everything out of his basement.  He said the water was almost to the top of the pool table.  Poor guy, that's a real headache to clean up and go through insurance.

 Here is the card I made for today's Teapotter's challenge.  It is for a woman who is in the hospital and recently lost her husband.  I can't even imagine can you?  JoAnn I'm praying for you and sending hugs too.

 We have a small squirrel around and he was trying to run up the pole to the bird feeders.  He kept getting stuck in the bell.  Then he'd run down and up the tree and chatter then run down and try again.  Would  love to know what he was saying. LOL

Here's a brand new song called Waterfall from Chris Tomlin.  In an interview he gave he said they are not done with the album yet but he wanted to make Waterfall available to purchase and listen to. Take a listen.
I guess with all of the rain this is a perfect song huh?  Lots of waterfalls with flash flooding last night.  So glad that is over and all are safe.

We went to dinner with Chuck and Maryanne tonight.  Our favorite Polish restaurant is closed May 31, 2014 for good. The owner is retiring and not selling his business.  It's always good food there.  I love chicken paprikash over dumplings.  So now we're going to have to find another good Polish restaurant.  We do Bible Study with Chuck and MaryAnne and really enjoy our time together.

Blessing of the Day: Dinner with Chuck and MaryAnne.
Thank you for visiting today.

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Important Updates

Hey Everybody,   I have a few IMPORTANT updates to share, including a brand-new rewards program, price change details, an exc...