Monday, May 12, 2014

Scary, Scary Night!

Tonight here in the Cleveland area, we had wicked storms.  We were sent to the basement twice for Tornado warnings.  While in the basement we lost power.  We had flashlights and books to read so we were okay.  We then had flash flood warnings.  We had a huge river of water flowing around both sides of the pool and down the hill.  I think all of the mulch Tim worked on yesterday is now in the neighbor's yards down the hill.  We had terrible winds with thunder and lightning.

Here's a picture that was taken by Lake Erie in Vermillion.  Not sure if that funnel cloud developed or not but it sure looks scary.  Glad we didn't have anything like that.
Thank you God for keeping us safe.

This is a stamp that I saw on  When I saw it I laughed out loud!
I've seen something like this before that went like this:
My dentist told me I needed a crown.  I was like, DUH!  Made me laugh.  This too was a stamp that could be purchased. 
 This is the little cutie that I made for the Tuesday color challenge.  We were to use real red, daffodil delight and old olive.

This is a fantastic new song from For King and Country called Fix My Eyes.  Take a listen.

Today's Blessing: That earlier in the day I enjoyed God's creation while reading my Bible.
                            God kept us safe through the storm.
                             I saw a giant woodpecker that was like Woody Woodpecker!

Thank you for stopping by.  I hope wherever you were tonight, you were kept safe.

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