Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Freezing, Special, Warrior

It's been very cold the last few days so friends have been posting things about the cold.  I thought this was cute but also posted because I remember not feeling my face as a kid.  Whether it was shoveling snow or waiting for the bus or walking home.  

I'm also a lover of these cuties.  I laughed at this then tried to figure out when that would be for me.  Maybe it will be late April, early May, LOL!

This is a picture of a light post on the shores of Lake Erie here In Cleveland.  Isn't it incredible to see water frozen by the wind like this?  God is amazing isn't He?  Even in the midst of storms, He brings beauty!  How about in our lives?  What was meant for evil is made good by God.

Check out this link for an uplifting article and video by Max Lucado.  He is a Christian pastor known all around the world for his books, videos and sermons.  Check out this link.
I hope you can read this.  It's pretty funny, especially if you live in Cleveland.  I'm sure other northern states could substitute their name instead of Cleveland.
This is one of three cards that I made for some ladies who need some lovin'  I hope the cards bring them happiness and peace.

The verse today spoke of being tolerant of one another.  You know, I find myself often being intolerant of those closest to me.  It may be that it's because I'm around them the most, or maybe they are the only ones who don't leave if I say something to them that shows I'm intolerant.   Do you have times when you're frustrated and things just come out of your mouth?  

It's those times where we really should be quiet and not say anything.  I'm still working on that.
I have worked on the forgiveness thing since I've been married.  When I would ask Tim for forgiveness he'd always say, "Of course." 
The first time he said that, I was blown away.  I asked him why he said that.  He said, "Christ forgives us if we ask, and I'm to do the same thing." Ephesians 4:32

I have to tell you it was very difficult to do that.  In time I've done it.  It doesn't mean I'm not still hurt or upset about what happened, but it means I've forgiven.  There's a big difference.

I came across this song tonight and it's not a coincidence, I know.  I've been dealing with pain which makes other things difficult.  I know instead of giving up I need to pray like a warrior.  Steven Curtis Chapman wrote this song for the movie War Room.  If you haven't seen it find it on DVD and watch it.  It is an amazing story and something we all should do.  The link below this has scenes from the movie.  I love the old woman.  She teaches the younger woman how to pray like a warrier.

I chose the above version of the song since it had the words.  I also liked the one from the movie War Room.  Check out this link to see it, it's fabulous!

Medical Update: I am finished with Physical Therapy. It didn't help.  I saw the Dr. today and she gave me something else for pain.  Hopefully it will work.  I went for an MRI tonight and hopefully will soon be scheduled for the pain blocks like I had in my back.

Getting old is tough.
Blessing of the Day: Millie, the Dr.'s secretary got me in for an MRI tonight.  Thank you God for Millie.
Thanks for stopping by.

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Black Ice Technique

 Have you ever heard of the Black Ice Technique in cardmaking? You Begin with a metallic piece of paper. It can be gold, silver, copper, cha...