I want to share an experience I had this week. It is not to brag at all, but to show what happens when you follow-through with a nudge from God. I had a customer who couldn't attend class last week. I offered to have class just for her this past Monday. It was the fourth class with this group of cards and I was a bit tired of doing them, but wanted to help my customer/friend out.
My friend, who is 85 arrived on time and was wearing a beautiful bandanna. I didn't say anything or ask questions. She said, "Do you want to know why I'm sporting the gypsy look?" Last Tuesday I had a golf ball sized tumor removed from my head. I have a big bandage and didn't want to draw attention to myself.
Then she started to cry and spoke of the fear of what if it has spread, what if there are more. She's apparently had these before and is tired of them.
I took both of her hands and asked her if I could pray for her. She said, "Yes."
Right then and there I knew God wanted me to do this. I wasn't sure how she would react. At that moment, I didn't care how she'd react. I just started to pray for her. We both ended up crying, but it was a good crying. I always cry when I pray for someone. She was crying because someone was helping to give her a peaceful heart.
If you've ever done something you know God wants you to do, you know the blessing that comes in return. It was an amazing feeling I got from this whole thing. My friend apologized for bringing this to my home. I thanked her for thinking enough of me to share this and I was privileged to pray for her.
I had a feeling of peace and happiness inside. I felt like I do when I sit at the beach and stare at the waves coming in. There is a peace and calm along with happiness.

My friend and I started our Bible study this week. We decided we're going to have journals divided into different parts.
One part will be for the verses that fight Satan's lies. Verses we can turn to when we need the truth of God to use against Satan. They will be like a shield to cut off the negativity and lies he spreads.
One part will be images with verses or promises God gives us.
One part will be songs that will lift us up so we can use them when we're feeling attacked.
One part will be our notes on our Bible Study and ways we're applying it in our every day life.
I'm so excited to get started on this.
At Bible Study, we talked about the uniqueness of each of us. God planned us. We're not an 'oops'.
Maybe for our parents we were, but God planned us. He gave us a purpose. He gave us different gifts to use to further his kingdom.
God has things for you to do that no one else can do. Imagine being the person God has made to bring an answered prayer to someone. Think of it, YOU are the answer to someone else's prayer!
Wow, that's powerful stuff. For me it sure puts a different perspective on learning more about God, reading His word, and helping this hurting world.
Here is the latest scarf I've made. It is made with a long crochet hook. It makes stitching close together so it's very warm to wear. This is a fun way to crochet.Check out this video to see how easy it is.

Today Tim and I went to State Teachers Retirement Services meeting on signing up for Medicare. I don't know about you, but I've always thought to be old enough for Medicare meant you had to be old. Well I have to tell you it's all relevant! LOL
How the heck have I come to the age of retirement? Where did all those years go by? It seemed like just yesterday I was working, raising kids and moving along.
I got a headache listening to all of the things this woman had to say. Tim on the other hand, had researched much of this beforehand so he wasn't fazed.
We stopped at one of our favorite cafes, on the way home. It's a cute, college town place where you can order sandwiches, lattes, baked goods, coffee, chips etc. It's a nice, quiet place to eat and talk. All ages are there. College age kids all the way up to people in their eighties. People drive, walk and bike to this cute, little place in the heart of Berea, Ohio.
Verse of the Day: 1 Corinthians 13:2

Blessing of the Day: Tim and I found out more information for applying to Medicare. We had a great lunch after our meeting. We've been putting together a 1,000 piece puzzle on the kitchen table. It's been a lot of fun.
Thanks for stopping by.
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