25 years ago today, my oldest, Ben-jammin was born. Where in the world has that time gone? Right now Ben and Rachel have 2 foster daughters who are sisters. They've had them since December 12th, 2018. The girls are supposed to be reunited with their parents in late March.
Ben was born at 9#. That was the last time he was big. He was the smallest kid in most of his classes growing up. I ended up having a C-section with Ben. I remember getting to sleep after he was born from the pain meds. Then in the middle of the night I heard a baby crying in the hallway. In my head I thought, someone please feed that baby and make him shut up. Then that crying entered my room and I realized it was my baby. He was hungry and wanted his mama.
I was amazed at how small Ben looked when Tim held him. Times like this, when a baby falls asleep on you are the best! I loved the baby smell and the warmth of him.
Ben had a ball on his first birthday. He had chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. We let him have fun. After he was finished, we striped him in the kitchen and put him in the kitchen sink to clean him up. I don't know who had more fun, us or him! LOL Doesn't he look delighted?
Here he is today. He's a part-time pastor, a part-time health care worker with kids that have addiction, have behavior issues, or have gone off their meds. Mental illness is a sad thing and people like Ben help these kids get back on their meds and teach different skills like communication, how to get along with others, anger management.
This is our bathroom when we moved in. The picture was taken when we were going to sell our home.
This is our bathroom after Tim re-did it. It's truly amazing how much work he put into this. It took months to complete. Tim watched YouTube videos by the hour to learn how to do some of the things here. It was a very interesting process.
You know sometimes I worry about things. Why? I don't know. Satan knows how to push my buttons. I am learning how to defend myself against him. Do you remember when Jesus was tempted by the devil? He disarmed the devil with scripture. That's what I'm learning to do. The more scripture verses I can memorize, the more I can shield myself from the devil's words of discouragement to me.
Verse of the Day: Galations 6:9

Tim and I went to a place called, Old Time Pottery near us. We were looking for towels, and bathroom accessories. The place had many items on red tag sale. I think one of the many things we purchased had a red tag. Go figure!
Tomorrow I will finish getting things back into the bathroom to make it usable again. Tim and I will begin to use it when he begins on the master bathroom.
Blessing of the Day: Tim and I went to lunch at a place called, Jennifers. It is a family style restaurant in Strongsville, Ohio. This was a restaurant where the owners retired and the staff wanted to buy him out. They opened a new and larger restaurant in November of last year.
I have to tell you we waiting about 10 minutes before our server came by. We waited 15 or more minutes to get our food. The food was hot and good, but not worth the wait.
Where we were sitting, I could see young teens in the kitchen making salads. They had gloves on which was good, however, she'd touch her jeans or shirt then go back to making salads. I think they should have had a doorway there so I couldn't see what they were doing. I would have enjoyed my meal a bit more.
This place was also loud in the kitchen. It was a bit distracting trying to talk to Tim, with the noise of the kitchen staff.
Tim and I put the accessories we got for the new bathroom in and will finish it tomorrow.
So the guest bathroom is finished! Thank you Tim for all your hard work and hours of research, learning and planning that went into this project.
Thanks for stopping by.
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