Sunday, August 5, 2007

1200 views of this blog-Wow

I just checked the counter and found that there have been 1200 times people (including me) have looked at my blog. Woohoo, that's great! I never thought anyone really read this thing. I just write for me most of the time.
Saturday I got a paper holder from my friend and that was the beginning of a chain-reaction. Have your read, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie? Well it was like that.
I took the cardstock out of my file drawer and put it onto the paper shelves. Then I emptied my 4-drawer cardboard cabinet into the file drawer that was emptied of paper. Then I moved the brown 4-drawer cabinet to the basement. I then removed the drawers in my buffet so I could easily move the buffet to the wall by the windows. The file drawer with my laptop on top, and the paper holder were moved into place to the right of the buffet. This way I can easily reach paper, and check on color combos and challenges on SCS! I also went to Walmart and got 3- 3 drawer storage containers and really organized things. It took a while, but now I'm back up stamping and loving how it's organized. I am a true organizer. I love to have things in their place, but easily accessible. Here's a picture of my stamping space now.
Thanks Val.....I think it would have been easier to take that shelf to school and use it to sort students work papers! LOL


Sharon in NE said...

Funny how those things work. ;)
Nice stamping space. All your treasures are organized. That's a good feeling.

michelle sturgeon said...

You've got a great, organized space. TFS!

New Stamps In The House!

 Hey Everybody, I just received two new stamp sets that will be available in the March Online Exclusives. You know me and cute animals. Well...