Sunday, August 12, 2007

Don't Leave Home Without Him

I'll bet with the title of this post you're already thinking Am. Express.......Some commercials stay in our minds for a long, long , time. Today at our service the visiting pastor spoke about our relationship with God and how so many of us get so busy making plans, that we forget who holds our life in His hands. We forget it's only by the grace of God that we can do anything. We take so much in our day for granted. We plan graduations, weddings, showers, babies, etc. How many times do we say, Lord if you're willing, I'll do this or that. We just assume we'll do it if we record it in our day planner or Blackberry. God is important in our lives. He needs to be part of every waking moment. He needs to be the one we go to in times of happiness, sadness, sorrow. He is the one we should take with us each and every time we leave home. I pray that I will remember to invite Him to go with me.
I made a tea book which holds two packages of tea. I'm not feeling very well today, so maybe I should go and get some of that tea for myself. I love the new pomegranate color and this huge flower. It has some of the new glue from the glue pad and iridescent ice ep on it. Love, love, love the sparkle.
I'll see you again tomorrow, Lord willing for another entry in my blog.
Blessings to you and may you make a difference in someone's life because of God in you.


Sharon in NE said...

Great post!!!
Love the card and the sparkle!

Bill Tyler said...

What a wonderful post. It made me think about how I should block out time in my day planner to spend time just with God and guard that time. Another way to be mindful of God is to put your favorite scripture on your desktop or phone. My phone tells me every time I turn it on that "I can do all things through Christ".

New Card Layout For Scraps

 I'm always trying to find ways to use up all of the scraps that seem to multiply in my folders! LOL  A friend sent me a picture of a la...