Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Life is a Challenge

So today's sketch challenge was to make a card with a cut-out shape. I used my scallop punch. This was a difficult sketch for me. I have black-eyed susans growing in my garden and love how bold and pretty they look. So I decided to make them in my card. I felt I needed a stem though and the only one I had was a sunflower stem and leaves. Oh well.........I used daubers to dab banana, summer sun, and choc. chip on the card. The leaves are moss. I'm not sure what I will do with this card, so I didn't stamp words. Usually when I need a card, I find one that works and stamp the occasion.

This is a purse I made using Michelle Fischer's box pattern. Seems she demoed it and it's all the rage now. Here is a link to pictures of her boxes.
I am going to try this again with different stamps and paper. Hope you like it.
Today was a challenge for me. Have you ever had a time where you felt things weren't right with your spouse? Well that was me today. It's funny many times it's only me with the emotional upset, not him. He's perfectly fine thinking things are just great! Oh well, I'm back to my knees to pray for a renewed commitment on both our parts to our relationship. I thank God for giving us the ability to meet these situations head-on and deal with them. I hope and pray that things are going well in your life whether you are married or not.


michelle sturgeon said...

Wow, I LOVE this! Great job with the sketch ckallenge!

Sharon in NE said...

Men and women are so different emotionally and its so hard to connect sometimes. It may feel as though you're going through a drought whereas your husband may feel he's happy and content, status quo. You're both on the same page, your both still happily married and staying married, its just the emotions and enthusiasm shown, differs so much. One may express it outwardly, one may express it by committing to family financial obligations. He's your soul mate. You need not have the same personalities, interests, even views, just as long as you love each other and not worry about the other stuff. (Its always good to take it to the Lord. ;)

BTW, that purse is THE CUTEST!!! I love the bag!!! Love the papers you used and the stamps!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness... this purse is absolutely adorable!!!! : )

Anne said...

I LOVE purses of paper and yours ROCKS! I'm going to need that template to make one too! *wink*

Your experiencing a mere "speed bump" within your marriage in the road of life... keep your FAITH, you know it all works in the end! We all experience them somewhere along the line, especially when we have so many years vested together.

Hugs of Strength,
Anne :)

New Stamps In The House!

 Hey Everybody, I just received two new stamp sets that will be available in the March Online Exclusives. You know me and cute animals. Well...