Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Therapy is Therapy is Therapy

I realized with less than two weeks left before I have to go back to work(teach school) I don't have the anxiousness I usually do. I have a peace about it. I know where that's coming from! It's coming from the Lord, who is in charge of my life(most of the time), and He's given me a love of stamping and creating things with my hands. I have found such rewards in this. I was told that I could start a Card Ministry at my church! Woohoo!!! I have a meeting Friday to get specifics worked out. I can't wait to start this type of ministry again. I had a card ministry in the last church I was in and it was a joy for those of us who made the cards, and those who received the cards.
When I create cards or other things, it is a therapy for me. I can get lost in the creating process and let all else fall away. I know that God's blessing me with a healthy way to use my time. The cards and items I make I send to people in the RAK or Need a Lift Forum on SCS. I love to make and send to others.
I ask for your prayers that this card ministry will be God's ministry through us. I pray that it will be all He wants it to be. Please pray that the women who make the cards will be blessed as well as those who receive them. I continue to marvel at how God is working in my life. I am truly blessed to be able to do this for Him.
Today I had fun stamping another wreath. This one used the Fabulous Flowers stamp again. I used the thumping technique where you bounce markers onto the rubber then stamp on white cardstock. I cut out the wreath, then cut out different petals of the flowers which hopefully gives this a more dimensional look. This was for the sketch challenge on SCS today.

The little tote is a copy of leslierich's. On her blog she gives directions step by step to make this cute, cute bag. It holds cards and envys as well. You've got to check it out.
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read what I've been up to. Praise God for our friends on the web. Praise God for YOU!

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