Thursday, March 19, 2009

What a Busy Day

Well today was a busy day for me. I had to take kids to school early so DS could practice in the ensemble he's competing with this Saturday. Then I had to go to work to drop off things needed for today since I wouldn't be there. Next I worked on Individualized Education Plans for students here at home. I can't believe even though they are computerized how long they take to do! They can be 8-10 pages or more to fill in. When I started making mistakes I shut that down and got some time for lunch and watched a movie. That gave me enough time away from paperwork so I went back to the paperwork until it was time to go to my meeting. It was an interesting meeting. I am the technology person in our building so I'm interested in working with the new things that come into the building. I am also interested in helping people feel more comfortable with technology so they will use it more. We have a chance to develop and teach a course to do just that. We'll see if I find time to do that.
After that I went out to eat with a friend. It was so nice to catch up with her. Italian is one of my favorite restaurants so that's where we met. There's nothing like good food and friends together.
The card I've posted was made two days ago. You were to make a ribbon frame. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. I ended up using glue dots to keep it in place while I taped the ribbon to the back of the frame.
Thanks for looking and checking in today.
Tomorrow night I will be at work late to decorate showcases. Saturday I'll be helping out at Angel Food Ministry then Sunday will be church and an evening with the youth pastor and workers.
Take care and hold those you love near to you.

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Three Card Making Opportunities

Hey Everybody, We now have opportunities to donate cards to three different facilities 1. Southwest General Hospital -Cards are placed on m...