Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Monday

Wasn't there a song with that title?  I'm sitting here after a long day at work, then a teeth cleaning at the dentist and have a headache that Excedrin won't take away.  I'm wondering why God is so good to me.  Did you ever wonder that?  I know it's because he loves me, but why me?  Of the billions of people on this earth why did he choose me to be among his kingdom?  Why did he choose me to continue to talk to until he brought me to my knees and I accepted him.  God is so loving, patient, merciful and unbelievably patient.
  Tonight I had the most wonderful conversation with Ben about what's going on with him.  I loved that time with him.  It is something that I will treasure.  I've always wished that my kids would be able to talk to me about things going on in their life.  That things would be different from the way I grew up.  God gave me an evening to remember tonight.  It's little things like this that bless us.  Not the stuff that we accumulate.
  I had time with Tim tonight where we sat on the couch and talked and laughed like we used to do.  We even had a small funny fashion show from Sarah with clothes that were given to her by my sister-in-law.  The clothes were very expensive clothes that were bought for her sister-in-law who recently died.  Anyway, it was a wonderful blessing to have such warm interactions with my family tonight.  God is so good.
  Here's a song that helps to describe what I'm feeling.

I pray that you too have some wonderful moments in your life that you know are directly from God.  He loves us all very, very, much.

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