Saturday, March 26, 2011

I'll Show You How To Live

Check out one of my new favorite songs. I think being a mom or dad is the BEST but HARDEST job in the world! I love and hate it at times. I'm thrilled that Jesus chose Tim and I to be the parents of Ben and Sarah. I've been listening to Sanctus Real and here is a song that really touched my heart. It would be a great song to put together a video of your child's life or use for graduation. I love making videos like that but just don't have the time. Here's one put together by a mom for her husband for Father's Day. I couldn't find this song with lyrics, so listen carefully.  The song is called, I'll Show You How To Live by Sanctus Real.

I also have been working on a card or two in between getting ready for stamping events.  Here's a waterfall card that I made for Mother's Day.  I'm not sure if it's going to be too hard to do at Card Ministry though.  We're going to get to sell cards for Mother's Day so I want to make lots of cards for people to choose from. Here's the link I used to make this card.
The second card is for our Music Ministry to send to their members for birthdays.  I wanted to make something that a man or woman could get.  Makes it easier for us. :-)
Today's been a weird day for me.  I woke up about 10 which is very late for me.  I had a bit to eat then took Sarah shopping for a birthday present for a friend.  We had lunch out which was nice.  By the time I got home I had a bad headache.  I had to go to sleep it was so bad.  It was still there when I woke up.  I took Excedrin and am waiting for it to kick in.  I took Sarah to a friend's church to watch the play she is in.  It's been good for Sarah.  She and Ben are trying to get used to being schooled at home.
This week is Spring Break for them.  I have to Spring break is Good Friday and the week after Easter.
  Isn't that song, I'll Show You How To Live beautiful?  I love it!  God brings us to Himself in so many ways.  This is one of them.  The CD that this song is on is filled with great songs for life.  They really speak to me.
I pray that you will be touched by this song.  I pray that you will become closer to God or open yourself up to believing in Him. Your life will never be the same.
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Stampin' Mom of Four said...

Bautiful song and video. Thanks for sharing! Hope you're feeling better today. Headaches are no fun.

Black Ice Technique

 Have you ever heard of the Black Ice Technique in cardmaking? You Begin with a metallic piece of paper. It can be gold, silver, copper, cha...