Saturday, June 11, 2011

God is Faithful

Isn't it amazing that in spite of our behavior, God is faithful?  I have had a busy week and weekend.  I was so tired from the high temps. and packing boxes at work that I crashed Thursday.  It was my first day of vacation and I was toast.  I knew I had to  design cards and cut paper for Card Ministry Friday but I was just too tired to think.  So.....I got up Friday did my Bible study and breakfast, then sat down at my craft table and just prayed and asked God to do the impossible for me.  I needed 8-10 card ideas and needed to be able to get them done in time for Card Ministry.
  I know it's NOT coincidence. Do you know that ideas flowed like water and with Ben helping to cut paper for 30 minutes, I was finished an HOUR before I needed to leave!  I was packed and had time to color images, waiting to go to Card Ministry.  Only God could do that ya know?
  We worked from 7-9:40 and got 180 cards made!  There were 7 of us working on cards.
Here are the cards we made:

I continue to be amazed that I am not upset that the kids are leaving in 6 days for Peru.  I still feel a calm about all of this.  We are in the middle of getting last minute things done for the Peru trip.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

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