Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We're Done!

Do you remember the little poem you used to say the last day of school? "
no more pencils, no more books, no more students'  dirty's out for SUMMER!  Did you notice the little change in there? LOL  Several teachers I work with had this on their facebook post for today.  Teachers are just as excited if not more excited than the kids to be on summer vacation. 
  Hope, start the countdown until we're back at work in August okay? LOL
Today was a grueling day. I started at 7:15 a.m. because I knew it was going to be hotter than 90 today.  Patti and I packed and had things pretty much done. Our custodian came in to start taking boxes upstairs and he asked if the file cabinets were empty.  We told him we were told the drawers could be taken out and taken up one or two at a time.  This guy is nice and all, but asked if we could empty all 18 drawers and put the stuff into boxes............boxes are what we didn't have. 
  God provided more than we needed, believe it.  We worked together and got out about 2:40.  Patti thought she'd be home by 3 and I was sure it would be 5, so we were both happy to be home by 3.
It was so hot and I sweated buckets, maybe I lost a pound or two huh?  Anyway, we went upstairs to the room we'll be in next year and tried to draw a diagram for the custodian to set up the furniture.  We'll see how it looks in August.
 I am so happy to be on vacation.  Now I will spend time helping the kids finish shopping and pulling things together for Peru on June 19th.  The evening of Father's Day they leave.
Here's how I'm now storing my embossing folders.  I ran out of room in my SU stamp cases and this seems to be easier to use.  I used cardstock for dividers and the SU round tab punch to label the categories.
The categories I currently have are:frames, flowers, holidays/seasons, masculine, occassions.
I put these into a large drawer which has my cuttlebug plates and other cutting plates.
Well, I'm exhausted but wanted to let you know I'm on vacation and will be able to update this regularly with cards I've made.  I'll be able to do challenges on SU again too.
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Hope said...

What day do you go back??? I'll be more than happy to start a countdown the week after next!!! hee hee

Important Updates

Hey Everybody,   I have a few IMPORTANT updates to share, including a brand-new rewards program, price change details, an exc...