Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Last Day For Kids-Half Day Tomorrow for ME

We've had gueling temps here in Ohio the last two days.  Picture working without AC, in 85-90 degree temps, in a room with 5 windows and no cross-ventilation, and packing books, and files and all sorts of stuff.  Then picture having to gather your own boxes.  So you are packing things in all sizes of boxes.  Picture asking your boss when you're going to move and you don't get a reply until the last full day you are at work.  Picture telling the mover that you are ready to move and he tells you he can't move your things until he's moved the things out of the room your things are going into.  He has to clean the room and move out the person in that room, so he can move my stuff upstairs and into that room.  Picture two people who are moving into my room, asking me when I'm going to move AND what I'm going to take so they know what they will have to work with as far as furniture goes.  Picture the mover telling you that he doesn't have room for the desks and chairs from this room in storage.  Picture me saying, I don't know what to tell you, However, someone should start cleaning a room and moving boxes so we can get all of these ladies moved before it's 100 degrees in these rooms in the middle of summer and they have to come back and unpack boxes and set up their room!
  Still not boxes were moved today............sigh.............what do these guys do all day?
Here's a link to a cute cat video that DH sent to me.
I think I finally get to work on some cards tomorrow. I have to do some things tonight and get to sleep early.  I have more boxes to pack.
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Stampin' Mom of Four said...

Yeah, someone has to move out first to get another teacher in!! Do you ever wonder if people intentionally try to make things more difficult? And the intense heat just adds to the mess.

Hope all is moved and you don't have to do too much in the fall. Just make sure your boxes are labeled so they don't end up in the wrong classroom, LOL!

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