Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Field Day Was Grueling in 90 Degrees!!

Well today was our school's Field Day.  What a day to have Field Day.  It was 90 in the shade, which we don't have much of at our school.  We had all sorts of competitions all day long.  I can't tell you how drained I am after being in the heat so long.
  We do it for the kids though because they love it.  Remind me to take this day off next year.  I know I won't miss it!
   We were told to leave with the kids which is what I did.  We had to walk to the back of the church parking lot across the street where we had to park.
I had a dentist appt. so I had to come home clean up and change in order to go to the dentist.  I then had to run some errands and finally landed at home around 6:30.  I just chilled out watching the movie Julie and Julia.  What a fun movie to watch.  It was just what I needed tonight.
   I continue to work on cards for the Father's Day sale at church.  I am finding some very cute stamps that friends have.  They are so kind to allow me to borrow them as well.
Can't wait to get back to stamping for me.......love making these cards but I haven't been able to make too many cards for me or for challenges lately.  I have 6 more days of school until Summer vacation.  I have lots of packing to do as well.  Yikes!  I'd better get going!
Thanks for stopping by.

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