Thursday, November 7, 2013

Happy 95th Birthday Billy Graham!

Today is Billy Graham's 95th birthday.
AP People-Billy Graham

 He still has a burden to tell the world about God.  He did that tonight in a program that aired tonight called, My Hope.  The Billy Graham special was fantastic.  I pray that many more people were saved.

 Here is an amazing video by Matthew West, who is a Christian singer who himself was saved by Billy Graham many years ago via TV.  Matthew West kids his dad, who is a preacher that he listened to thousands of sermons but it took one by Billy Graham to save his soul.  I was saved by Billy Graham as well.  It was in the depths of depression at the loss of losing my dad to cancer and my first husband telling me he wanted a divorce.  We were divorced on my birthday.............
Take a listen to this song as Mattew West sings about 3:16 and what it means.

I had an eye dr. appt. today because my new insurance wouldn't pay for my current eye drops.  The dr. is going to have someone from his office call the insurance company and try to get this handled.  He told me I'd have to go on two kinds of drops which aren't as good as what I'm on.  The two kinds of drops will cost MORE than the one kind of drop I'm currently on!  Isn't that the way of the insurance company?  He said the insurance company hopes we don't fight their decision and don't get anything.....then they don't have to pay.  I told him I'd like him to pursue this since my family doctor did and we got what I needed.

Please pray that I can get the eye drops I'm currently on.  I don't take my eyesight for granted at all.  We'll see what happens.

Only two more wake ups before my friends come to stamp with me!  I'm so excited!!!

Blessing of the day:I watched the Billy Graham Special with Tim.
Thanks for stopping by.

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