Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Dance Like A Toddler

                               This morning I felt like this after I left my Dr. appt.  I was told everything looked great, my blood pressure was 112/60, and I had lost 3 pounds!  WooHoo! I told my Dr. I felt like celebrating! Then I said, "I know, but not with a doughnut!"  Anyway, I felt like dancing, like I was on cloud 9. This is my best check up in a long time! Praising you God for all of this.

You know, it's very interesting to see what God brings into my view during stressful times. I know that the situation with some of my siblings is a situation I can do nothing  with. I pray because I know it's going to take God's hand to fix what's broken. Only He can do that. It keeps me on my knees and so dependent on Him.  That's the way it should be anyway, right?
 I still go back to the ocean to find peace and a calm that nothing else compares to.
 My beautiful sunflowers also bring a comfort as well.

 Here is the challenge card for today. We had to make a clean and simple card using fruit.

This is the card for today's color challenge. The challenge also included making a Christmas card.
The colors were old olive, soft suede and gold.

Verse of the Day:Psalm 105:4
Image result for Psalm 105:4

Love the lyrics in this song. They say that God needs to be in control for things to turn out.  Give it a listen and see what you think.  Then be like the toddler I spoke of early in this post and dance! LOL

Blessing of the Day: I got a great report from the doctor.  I got a lot of cards done and put into plastic card holders.

Thanks for stopping by.

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