Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Missing Dad Still After 28 Years

It was 28 years ago today that my dad died of cancer just 8 months after being diagnosed.  It was a devistating time.  I was 28 and working early in my career.  My dad influenced me to go into special education in college.  When I was going to Cleveland State and had the choice to specialize in education, he said that there were tons of people going into general education.  I should specialize because not as many people did and I'd have a better chance of getting a job.
  Do you know that while I was doing student teaching a position opened up?  I would graduate in December.  A teacher in sp. ed. was killed during Thanksgiving break so I interviewed for her position.  I got the position but pondered whether I should take it. It was for a class of physically disabled students.  That was not my specialty however, they allowed me to take this position because it was a 6 month position.  I'd start January 4th and work until June 14th.
  From there I had my foot in the door, and was offered a teacher of Multiply Handicapped students the following year.  I am in my 33rd year of teaching and I still marvel at my dad's insight.  He knew I'd do well with special education since I'd taught students with physical difficulties, swimming once a week at a local pool.  I loved it and did it for years.  The freedom those children found in the water was wonderful to watch! 
Thanks Dad, I miss you so much it still hurts.  Things here have changed dramatically since you've gone. I'll see you some day in heaven.  I can't wait until that day.  Thank you for the good times and bad.  You shaped me into the teacher, mother, daughter, sister, wife and friend that I am today.
My dad was 57 years young when he died.................that's two years older than I am right now.

I am saddened that neither my kids nor my husband go to meet him and experience his wonderful sense of humor.  We went from child/parent to adult/adult relationship.  We'd meet Sunday mornings for breakfast and catch up on our week. What a treasured time that was.  Thank you God for giving me that time and those memories.


Unknown said...

I love your sweet tribute to your dad and the story of how he shaped the lovely and caring person you are today. Thank you so much for sharing him with us. Blessings, Diane

Stampin' Mom of Four said...

Thanks for sharing the story of your dad.

Debbi said...

What a comfort to know that even though we miss them greatly that they are in the arms of our creator and that we will once again see them in glory. May God be very close to you today!

Zbear1 said...

I was very touched by your tribute to your dad. I also lost my dad to cancer and he died just 6 weeks after being diagnosed; and I wish I had the time that you had with your dad. Instead, I made my mom the dress she wore to his funeral. I finished thge dress and hat on Friday and he died Saturday morning. What timing! I still cry thinking about him and my mom. He was 60 when he died and in November I will be 65; I already outlived him. You brought tears to my eyes reading your story. Isn't it funny how our parents sometimes saw things more clearly than we ?? See how successful you were by obeying your parents ??? Thank you for sharing !!

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