Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Yesterday and Today

I have been playing around with different layouts for cards and came up with something that was quick and easy, but looks more complicated to a newbie.
Flower was stamped with white craft ink and embossed with white ep. Cardstock is 9 3/4 by 4 1/4. Fold at 4 1/4 from left edge. I used decorative scissors to give some dimension to the card. The inside has a pocket for a gift card to go into.
I think I'll make a few more like this since I have some thank yous to send out.
My kids have been having more and more fun playing with friends from school. On our street we have some kids near their ages, but the kids are not a good influence by any means. It's been hard for my kids with no friends next door or nearby. We invite kids over and go to other friend's houses, but it's not the same as having someone next door.
I remember the days of having a street full of kids to play with. If so and so wasn't home, you'd go to the next house. There was always someone to play with. Seems like these days kids spend more time indoors watching tv and playing video games. Anyone remember taking a refrigerator box and making a house or fort out of it and spending the day playing in it? I'd love to see those days come to my kids before they lose interest in playing. We're praying that the house across the street that is for sale, will be sold to someone with kids that are near 10 and 12 years old. Well, a family can hope and pray. Now if I could just find a refrigerator box.....


Mark's Finest Papers said...

This is a fabulous layout! WOW!

Anonymous said...

Great card !!! And yes, the kids today spend wayyyyyy to much time inside. The street I grew up on was just as you described. If one wasn't available, someone else was. Now I just thank God that I left that neighborhood (and Mom didn't live long enough to see how far down hill it has gone.) What a shame.

Debbi said...

Sue, I love the layout and the colors. The black and white look awesome on the "gold"!!!

Thankfully we live on 9 acres in the middle of no where and they have a lot of siblings to play with. I'm particular on influences. They each get a day every other week to have a friend over for the day. Their friends love coming out here!

New Stamps In The House!

 Hey Everybody, I just received two new stamp sets that will be available in the March Online Exclusives. You know me and cute animals. Well...