Sunday, December 9, 2007

More Fun For my Twin

These are the inside of the lunch tin I made for my twin sister. I made a beaded pen, a pocket for stamps and a larger pocket for post-it notes with room for a mini calendar that rips off month to month. I'm so in love with the Holiday paper SU has right now. I love pomegranate and artichoke together too. I have to get this sent right away as her birthday is Thursday. YIKES!

I took a picture of the Christmas cards I have made so far. It's about 70 cards. I water color during the year wherever I go then make them into cards. It seems like a good variety of styles. I am still working on more, but will start to print my annual letter and get greetings stamped inside these cards. It will be assembly line fashion with my kids so it won't take long.

This was inspired by a project I found on Sharon Johnson's blog:http://notimetostamp.blogs.splitcoas.../#comment-3643
Instead of making just an ornament I added it to a card. I've been having fun with the SU holiday designer paper. I was singing "Joy, joy, joy, praising the Lord in Heaven on high", while I was making this...imagine that! LOL
I need prayers that I will stay with the Beth Moore study I've signed up for. So far I'm behind! The study is, A Heart Like His, a study about David. Please pray that I can stay faithful to this study and do the homework even though it's 45-60 minutes 5 days each week.
Thanks for your prayers and for visiting.
So have you ever wondered what your actions might mean for one person? Have you ever thought you couldn't possibly make a difference in this world? Well at times that's how I feel. This week God sent me several reminders of the importance of my card ministry. This week I received a thank you note and a box of chocolate macadamia nuts from Hawaii for cards I sent to a woman with cancer. Her daughter requested cards for her mother be sent to her and she'd take them to her mom in another country. I sent a couple. It meant so much to the daughter than she wrote a card-filled note thanking me for my cards.
I also got an email from church asking if the Card Ministry could make cards for soldiers that the pastors could sign.
I got a comment from someone about how my blog has helped her through a tough time. Isn't it amazing that just when you're discouraged with one thing or another, God steps in with real people to help you!
Prayers for us as well for Tuesday we find out the psychological test results for my daughter. This has been a stressful year for her starting middle school with so many new people and routines to deal with. We had her tested to see if she'd be able to go in the gifted class. She needs to score high enough to be placed there this year. Next year she'll be in the class, but this year the only way she can go in there is if she scores above their posted score(which keeps changing as we communicate with the district rep. for testing.) Please pray that we'll accept God's will in all of this.
Blessings and hugs and thanks for visiting.
Thank you all for coming and joining me here


Sharon (notimetostamp) said...

Oh my gosh -- you have so many cards made already -- you just put me to shame!!! I LOVE the ornament card you made -- it is just so very pretty!! Great job!!! I'm so glad I found it!!!

Sharon in NE said...

Look at all those cards! Each one will mean special to that recipient! You're right, your actions can impact a person in such a huge way and you're obviously using your gifts to bless so many people.

Do your best with the Bible study...if you can't get all the questions done, don't beat yourself up. God will still bless your efforts!

Sencie said...

Wow!!! You've made a ton of Christmas cards!!! I haven't even started mine! And how cool that you have a twin sister!!! : )

Renée said...

Wow, that's an amazing amount of cards ... I love your tin idea. Iw as planning on making card tins for my sisters, and I think this might be the perfect addition to them! Thanks!!

P.S. You've been tagged!

Sharon in NE said...

Sue, it's Thursday, and I just realized I don't have your email address and I can't find any link on your guess I'll have to embarass myself publicly, but you're worth it:

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday you fine stamper and wonderful overall person.
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuu!!!!!

....and many more!!!!!

Beautiful Paper Does The Work

 Splitcoaststampers is a great website for people who make cards or scrapbook. They have daily challenges. This is one of the challenges. Gi...