DD was out there with her laptop! Kids were out playing in the driveway and the sound was fun to listen to. Basketball bouncing, kids yelling and having the best time using up their energy.
Look what landed in our pool! It's our Springtime duck pair. It's not Spring until they land on the pool cover!
I can't believe that this beauty is really mine. One of my friends at work does BEAUTIFUL quilts and over the years I've oohed and aaaahed over the ones she's shown me for others. Guess what THIS one is MINE! I couldn't believe it. I received the Special Education Teacher of the Year Award this past Friday and this quilt was given to me by my colleage/friend with a note telling me she's in awe of what I do and is proud to be my colleage. Made me cry I tell you! Kathy, Thank you for your friendship and your beautiful quilt.
I have ordered a quilt hanger so when it arrives my beauty will have a place of honor in our foyer for all to see when they enter.
Here's another beauty of a gift I received from my DD Sarah. She amazes me with her talent. I can't draw a straight line so I stamp! LOL
I love the different fish in this scene. I have it hanging on my office door.
I have finallly gotten my office in shape and organized. It feels like I've had it this way forever. I'm glad to have things finally organized and easily within reach. We got the kids desks in the summer with the idea we'd save up for one for me. Finally we were able to purchase mine. This beats working at folding tables to grade papers and do lesson plans.
Thank you for visiting on this sunny, warm day. May God bless you and keep you until we meet again.

I am so glad you are all on the mend! That "bug" sounded like a bad one. We all have colds here, but so far it has passed over me(Someone has to take care of the rest of them). They are all on the mend now too.
Sarah makes beautiful pictures, she is really talented. That quilt is gorgeous!
Congratulations on getting Teacher of the Year! Sue you are amazing! Did you have any clue you were getting the award, or was it a total surprise? Wow that is fantastic!
Big hugs,
Wow Sue ... congrats on your award ... the quilt is awesome and your new office looks amazing!!
I finally got around to adding your blog to my google reader so I'll be following all your great posts! Awesome blog my friend!!
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