Friday, July 9, 2010

Continued Love and Kindness Arrives in Ohio

Here I am once again in awe of those of you who do for others. A batch of cards arrived today many with spots and dots of all sorts. I knew that the Tea Potters had been communicating........
Here are the cards I received today.Thanks specifically go out today to Cat Ghondek- What a cute card with poem inside! Made me laugh out loud! Check this out-

I hope you soon a feeling chipper
As you get your brand new hipper
There's not much that I can do
In my quest to cheer up Sue
So I'll just send you a card,
Now that isn't very hard
As it goes across the miles
Hope it brings to you some smiles
Just to know you're not forgotted
As you're showered with things dotted!

Another thanks goes out to Hilda aka broom here on SCS. You've got to see the dotted dog she made. It has dots in different sizes.

Thanks Hilda for brightening my day with lots of spots and dots.

Thanks to Karen aka redbuggydriver for her spotted card. Palm trees were added as well. I went to sleep dreaming of warm beaches then realized the air conditioning had been turned off and I was warm! LOL Drugs can do things to you ya know?

Lastly Shelly aka Yo Sam sent a card with textured spots and cute doggy buttons. The little girl is just darling with her spotted pup. Her little teddy is bandaged and repaired. Go glad that wasn't me....his eye is covered and his arm and leg too.

This card is from a local friend name Jan.  She is going through major stress in her life and still had time to create something so pretty to lift my spirits.  Thank you Jan. This is from the heart.

This is a beautiful card from a stamping buddy of mine from SCS named Patty.  She and I have known each other only from SCS.  Isn't it amazing the ladies God puts you in touch with on SCS?  I am truly in awe of what He does for me in spite of how I treat and forget Him. 
So how has your day been? I am taking the little things that I can do and rejoicing in them. Here are a few:
I can get in and out of bed myself
I can go to the bathroom myself
I can sleep more than 2 hours in my twin bed downstairs
I can do 3 of the 6 exercises for therapy myself
I can dress myself

I know it might seem trivial to you but a week ago I had major surgery on my right hip and I coldn't do ANY of these things!  God is so good!  I call my progress baby steps, and that's encouraging.  Each day I can do a little bit more. 
What are you thankful for?  What little things have you been blessed with today?
I remembered a few that aren't surgery related.
I can watch the hummingbirds and yellow finches at my feeder all day long if I want to.
I read more than two pages in a book without falling asleep! LOL

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

cat gondek said...

So glad to hear you are feeling better - from now on each day should get you closer to feeling good. Many hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery. I am so proud to be featured on your blog --- thank you!

February Class Follow-Up

  AC=Annual    SC=Spring Catalog    SAB=Sale-a-Bration Catalog On=Online Exclusives found  here Links to products are in bold print. Stampin...