Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Sue!

     Many, many years ago I was born on this day. It was a Tuesday and I was born at 8:11 a.m. with my twin sister close behind. I'm 10 minutes older than she is and I never let her forget that! LOL
I was supposed to be Suzanne. But my mom had twins, which she knew she was going to have, but the doctor didn't know. This is pre-ultra sound days ya know. My mom dreamt she had two baby bassinets at the foot of her bed. The doctor kept yelling at her for gaining so much weight during her pregnancy. Her best friend was in the delvery room helping. Remember these were also the days you were knocked out to have babies. When my mom woke up her friend had two babies in pink and congratulated my mom on twin girls. My mom told her it wasn't funny to make fun of her dream of twins. Her friend had to work hard to convince my mom that she had indeed delivered twins!! So, my name was divided into Susan and Ann. I was born first so I was called Susan, which I don't like, then came Annie, who was called Ann. She added an E to her name later in life and it stuck.
So back at Dr.'s Hospital, which doesn't exist anymore, we were born today. My mom had an 11 month home at the time. Can you imagine twins and an 11 month old?
I am so thankful that God placed me here on earth. I've had some terrible times but many wonderful times as well.
A birthday is like a personal New Year's Day. You get to start anew and reflect on the past. God becomes closer and closer to me. He is so gracious and wonderful in his love and grace.
I remember fun Christmas programs in choirs over the years. I remember wonderful family traditions like listening to Scrooge's Christmas on an LP. Remember those big records? This was pre-computer, dvd, everything that shows images today. One Christmas someone left the record at school and we had to go back up for it. They let us in which was very fortunate for the sibling that left it there.
I remember on our birthday we could have any dinner we wanted. Annie always chose stew............who would choose stew for a birthday meal? That's what all of us kids wanted to know. LOL
I loved pasta so that was my choice. I still love pasta today and can't go to my fav. restaurant since it closed due to the weather.
Memory lane is a fun place to visit. I can remember a birthday where Ben and Sarah made me breakfast in bed. They made all sorts of things and brought it up to surprise me. What a feast I had.
I have some pictures to post.
This is a picture of the Thomas Kinkade sweater Tim got for me.  The snowmen's clothes are Thomas Kinkade images reduced.  It's gorgeous!  I love Thomas Kinkade and ask for his calendar each year for our kitchen.  It never gets old.
These are the flowers Tim ordered for me.  I love carnations and these were in the shape of a heart. The euchaliptus is shaped in a heart as are the flowers.  Isn't it beautiful?  The poor man delivering them had a tough time reaching the house because our street hadn't been plowed.  Ben was working on the driveway so at least once he got through the apron of the driveway he could walk.
I got to talk to my twin this morning at 7 a.m.  She calls each year and we sing happy birthday to each other then chat for a bit.  It's a wonderful tradition that she started years ago.

I also got to talk to my younger sister Patty who just became an RN.  I'm so proud of her for doing this later in life than she wanted to, but had a dream and fulfilled it.
Here are some Birthday cards that I've received.
 This is the baby boy card I made for Card Ministry that used Zing silver embossing powder and glitter together. It's just beautiful together. I've got to look for gold like this.
This is the beautiful card I got from my dear friend, Jane.  The funny part about this is I was there when she was designing the card.  She told me to forget what I saw since I'd be getting one.  I told her that was entirely possible since I'm in this menopause time of life!~LOL
This is a fun digital image that I played with to get the hats on the animals.  I forgot how I did it so I'm not sure I'll be able to do it again! LOL

Look what I found; things that happened in December 1955........I was born, Tuesday, December 13,1955.


1955 NFL Championship Game
    I know, it's been a long, long time since we've seen that.
    Thanks for stopping in my little corner of the world.
    Be safe and warm.
    Blessings and Hugs,


    JenE said...

    Happy Happy Birthday! Love reading about your birth, seeing your birthday cards and seeing the interesting things that happened in 12/55. I always thought the Tappen Zee was much older!

    Anonymous said...

    Happy Birthday Sue. I enjoyed the little history lesson! Yesterday we had a great-great nephew born in Indianapolis! Kheila

    Pattyjo said...

    Great story Sue. I keep forgetting you are a twin. I have several friends I have made as an adult, that are twins. I hope your both have a wonderful Birthday!
    Big Birthday Hugs!

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