Sunday, April 24, 2011

Three Sisters and Spring Time

I have to show you what I received Friday from three sisters, Hope, Patti and Rose. (I put them in ABC order ladies so there would be NO favoritism in whose was show first.) LOL
Hope, Patti and Rose are sisters.  I work with Patti who introduced me to Hope.  I've not me Rose, but she sends me beautiful creations throughout the year.
Thank you ladies.
Aren't they all pretty in their own way?  I'm so lucky.
I was in awe of how warm it got today.  We hit 75 I think.  I was outside doing weeding in the garden.  Tim was filling the bird feeder,

While Ben cut the grass

Check out the gorgeous Azelia from Patti.  It has two different colors of flowers.
I placed this out on my screened in porch to photograph it.  What a gorgeous day.
We went to the 5 p.m. Easter Service today.  We will have so many people tomorrow that they asked if some people would attend a service saturday evening.  We sat together as a family which is very unusual.  I truly enjoyed it.  We also went out to Max and Erma's for a family dinner.  What a wonderful time together.
Then Tim and I had coffee out on the deck.  What a perfect day.  Thank You Lord for your wonders, Love and Grace.
Thanks for stopping by today.  Blessings to you and yours.

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Cards from Last Month's Classes

  Card 1 -   Fancy Window Card- Connie Stewart Video Link Stamps -  Painted Lavender AC p. Paper - Blackberry Bliss Base 3 7/8” x 11” 2 ...